6A32 1334 North Walsham Gbrf to Harwich Refinery Crls Slvs
19th August 2019Drive a GBRf 66 from Norwich to Manningtree North Junction. Speed limit 60mph, duration 65mins.
Stuff You Need for This Scenario
Route: Great Eastern Mainline (Steam Workshop) – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=754506860
Requirements for the above route:
o GEML London to Ipswich route
o South London Network route
o ECML London to Peterborough route
o WCML Trent Valley route
o Wherry Lines, either Steam Version or AP version
Class 170
EWS Class 66
FL Class 66
FL Class 686
Class 70 for TEA & JNA Wagons
GEML Class 90 Loco Add-On
Settle to Carlisle
Armstrong Powerhouse Requirements:
AP Class 170 EP
AP 320/321 EP
AP Class 66 Enhancement Pack
Wherry Lines
Class 90/Mk3 DVT Pack
Class 90 FL EP
Wherry Lines Extra Stock (AGA White)
Freeware & Reskins:
Superalbs Abellio Greater Anglia 320 & 360 Reskin – https://superalbs.weebly.com/
Oovee/RSC MJA Bogie Box Wagon, JNA Mendip Rail Repaint v1.0(October 2014). Reskin by Richard Fletcher (rfletcher72). http://www.dpsimulation.org.uk/rf72reskins.html
TEA Petrochem Carless: This modification requires the commercial ‘TEA Bogie Tank Wagons’ to be installed first from Oovee Entertainment (http://www.oovee.co.uk). Uploaded with permission. Textures by David Hossack. http://uktrainsim.com/filelib-info.php?form_fileid=23080