692S 10:11 Millerhill S.S. To Oxwellmains Lafarge Colas

692S 10:11 Millerhill S.S. To Oxwellmains Lafarge Colas

19th May 2019 0 By BiteSizeScenarios

This scenario will take approximately 56 minutes to complete

On a clear Sunday morning you will be taking charge of 692S, a Colas Rail Freight Class 66 hauling a load of empty JPA tankers from Millerhill to Oxwellmains Lafarge.
Due to being a Sunday traffic on the tracks is light, however you will be held at some signals to allow the higher priority passenger services to pass.

This run has been based on accurate train times verified against Realtime Trains. The train units used have been done based on guess work so will not be entirely accurate.

To play this scenario you will need the following:

Just Trains Newcastle To Edinburgh

Just Trains Voyager Advanced

Steam Add-Ons

Freightliner Class 66 v2.0 Loco Add-On

InterCity Class 91 Loco Add-On

ScotRail Class 380 EMU Add-On

Armstrong Powerhouse Add-Ons

Class 66 Enhancement Pack

Class 91/Mk4 Enhancement Pack

JPA Wagon Pack

Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack

Reskins Required

InterCity 225 LNER/VTEC Pack
(search on AlanThomsonSim)