2M63 10.25 Wakefield Westgate – Liverpool Lime Street (1997)

2M63 10.25 Wakefield Westgate – Liverpool Lime Street (1997)

28th June 2020 5 By Matt Carroll

Hi, and thank you for downloading this scenario.
To install, simply copy the enclosed ‘Content’ folder to your Railworks folder. This is a ‘Standard’ scenario and is named “[MJC] 2M63 1025 Wakefield Westgate – Liverpool Lime St”

A scenario for the wonderful Manchester Stations to Huddersfield route. On a stormy October morning, take a First North Western stopping service across the Pennines, between Huddersfield and Manchester Victoria. Year : 1997

The following are required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly :

* From Alan Thomson Sim :
– Manchester Stations to Huddersfield route by “PenninePacer” (and associated requirements) https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=manchester-stations-to-huddersfield

* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Sky and Weather enhancement pack.
– Class 142 pack
– Class 150/1 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 158 (Cummins) enhancement pack (and associated requirements)

* From Vulcan Productions :
– Class 142 Triple Pack by Ben Yates (GMPTE etc.) https://www.vulcanproductions.co.uk/dmu.html

Scenario run-through
This scenario should last around 50 minutes. Release the doors at Huddersfield and set-up your cab. You will be calling at all stations to Manchester Victoria, where you will be relieved. You have a class 150/1 unit in place of the booked class 142 on this run. Storm clouds are gathering over the hills.

I do hope you enjoy this scenario.