2J73 2306 London Waterloo to Hampton Court

2J73 2306 London Waterloo to Hampton Court

9th March 2022 4 By Adam Forsyth

This scenario sees you pick up the final trip out of Waterloo on your backshift which is the 2306 to Hampton Court and the 2359 Hampton Court to Wimbledon service. Using a pair of soon to be withdrawn Class 455s, you shall call at all stations en-route to Hampton Court. There is light traffic around however this gets even lighter as service draws to a close. Be alert when driving this one, the weather is nasty out there!


Steam Portsmouth Direct: London to Portsmouth route

Armstrong Powerhouse Class 375/377 Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 444/450 Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 455 Enhancement Pack Vol. 2
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 456 EMU Pack

Semaphore Simulations SWR Class 444/450 Reskin

Vulcan Productions Class 456 SWR branding pack

Please be assured this scenario has been tested on multiple occasions and is working as intended however should an issue occour, please get in contact and I shall try and retrify that to the best of my abilities. I welcome feedback in my work, this allows me to improve for the future however if possible, I request you keep this constructuve.

I hope you enjoy the scenario