2J03 1501 Hertford North to Moorgate
5th May 2020This is a scenario following 2J03 1501 Hertford North to Moorgate for the entire journey length. It features prototypical AI, as well as horns on several AI trains, as well as a Custom Asset and Announcement for an event that happens at Essex Road!
Scenario details and requirements can be found below.
The scenario will show up in game under the Standard tab for the:
ECMLS & Hertford Loop Route available from AlanThomsonSim here: https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=the-hertford-loop-v1
It shows up as: [CJ] 2J03 1501 Hertford North to Moorgate
SCENARIO REQUIREMENTS (these require their associated requirements too):
Train Simulator: Wherry Lines: Norwich – Great Yarmouth & Lowestoft Route Add-On: https://store.steampowered.com/app/376970/Train_Simulator_Wherry_Lines_Norwich__Great_Yarmouth__Lowestoft_Route_AddOn/ (weather only)
Train Simulator: East Coast Main Line London-Peterborough Route Add-On: https://store.steampowered.com/app/222618/Train_Simulator_East_Coast_Main_Line_LondonPeterborough_Route_AddOn/
ECML Moorgate Extension – Northern City Line: https://gueterbahnhof.weebly.com/ecml-moorgate-extension—northern-city-line-2019.html
Class 365 Enhancement Pack: https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/enhancements/multiple_unit/class_365_enhancement_pack
Class 800 LNER Azuma: https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=class-800-lner-azuma
Class 313 Electric Multiple Unit Pack: https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/rolling_stock/multiple_unit2/class_313_electric_multiple_unit_pack
Class 313 Great Northern ‘Weathered’ Reskin: https://gueterbahnhof.weebly.com/reskins.html
DB Schenker Class 67 from South Wales Coastal: Discontinued
Class 91/Mk4 Enhancement Pack: https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/enhancements/locomotive/class_91-mk4_enhancement_pack
InterCity 225 LNER/VTEC Pack: https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=intercity-225-lner-vtec-pack
Class 43 (MTU)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack: https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/enhancements/locomotive/class_43_mtu-mk3_enhancement_pack
VTEC & LNER HST Pack: https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=vtec-lner-hst-pack
Train Simulator: South London Network Route Add-On: https://store.steampowered.com/app/222638/Train_Simulator_South_London_Network_Route_AddOn/
Class 387 – GTR Thameslink & Great Northern: https://superalbs.weebly.com/train-sim-reskins.html
Desiro City Pack – Class 700/707/717: https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=desiro-city-pack-class-700-707-717
I really enjoyed playing this scenario keep up the good work
Thanks John 🙂
Many thanks! Look forward to playing. In terms of specific scenarios I”d like to see, I think the greatest improvement that can be made on UK scenarios is by systematically incorporating train annoucements (as has been the case in eg Germany and the Netherlands for some time already). Did you see the announcement packs recently published by Stelepe on this site, eg https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=ecmls-announcement-pack-v1-0?
Hi 👋
Yes, I have seen these excellent new announcement packs! Any specific scenarios you want to see? EG. a certain route, a certain train etc?
I think it”d be very nice to put these new announcement packs to work, so perhaps a class 365 (APEP) scenario on the ECMLS, or a class 315 or 321 on the GEML? Up to you really.
Thanks for the ideas! I would do a GEML scenario but unfortunately I don’t own the AP 315 😕
Fantastic Scenario mate, just completed the run :).
Great use of AI throughout ( especially on ECML section) not going to lie the 313 isn’t something I drive that often so my stopping points where completely off however I still somehow managed to keep to time .
I look forward to future releases, keep up the great work.
Thanks for the kind words. I presume the use of AI horns and custom asset and announcement greatly added to the immersion? Are there any specific scenarios you want to see, and I’ll see what I can do?