2B54 06.57 Doncaster – Leeds (2019) v1.1

2B54 06.57 Doncaster – Leeds (2019) v1.1

4th May 2019 9 By Matt Carroll

Updated to v1.1 12/05/2019 :
Revised to utilise Major Wales Design’s Northern by Arriva class 170 reskin and routing amended following update to base route.

A scenario for the wonderful Leeds Lines route.

It’s Thursday 2nd May. At this time, one of the class 170 units recently transferred from Scotland is being diagrammed to form a peak hour service from Doncaster to Leeds, returning in the evening peak. Drive the morning service with 170472 calling at all stations. Year : 2019.

Requirements :
Leeds Line route, available from Alan Thomson Simulation (and associated requirements)

Armstrong Powerhouse :
Sky and weather enhancement pack
Class 150/1 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
Class 158 (Cummins) enhancement pack (and associated requirements) – Static only
Class 170 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
Class 321 pack
Class 142 pack
HST MTU enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
Class 91 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
Class 66 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
Class 220/221 Voyager sound pack

Just Trains :
Voyager (advanced)

GEML route
Riviera Line
Class 67 EWS pack – static only

Major Wales Design’s Northern by Arriva class 170 reskin

Chris & Dave Dewhurst’s Northern Rail class 321 reskin from DPSimulation (and associated requirements)

Northern Rail class 144 reskin from Superalbs (and associated requirements)

Class 185 ‘Desiro’ pack from Fuller Simulations (and associated requirements)

From Alan Thomson Simulation :
VTEC and LNER HST pack
InterCity 225 LNER/VTEC pack
Class 170 Scotrail pack (AP enhancement pack) *

* – As of 17/05/19, this pack is now available from Vulcan Productions titled ‘Abellio Scotrail Class 170 v6.0’

I hope you enjoy this scenario.