1Z48 16.13 York – Cambridge “The White Rose” (2018)
28th September 2020Hi, and thank you for downloading this scenario.
To install, simply copy the enclosed ‘Content’ folder to your Railworks folder. This is a ‘Standard’ scenario and is named “[MJC] 1Z48 1613 York – Cambridge ‘The White Rose’”
An 85-minute scenario for the brilliant Peterborough to Cambridge route from Alan Thomson Sim. This scenario is built using the Bossman Games complete Rebuilt Merchant Navy loco add-on. It is not known whether it will function with the standalone 35028 “Clan Line” add-on released through Steam.
On a fine Summer evening, drive the final leg of this steam-hauled day excursion, between Peterborough and Cambridge. You have a Southern Region interloper, 35028 “Clan Line”, at the business end of the train. Release the doors and prepare to depart at 20.31. Switch over to Air Brake mode – to do this press ‘Page Up’, set the vacuum brake lever to ‘Off’, and open the small ejector. The train air brakes are controlled with the comma and full-stop keys. You are booked to call at March, Ely, and Cambridge. This schedule is based on a December steam run. The train was booked to stop for water at Ely, but for the purposes of this scenario that has been omitted. Maximum speed is 75mph. Due to gauging issues, there is a 20mph restriction for the loco through Wittlesey platform. Year : 2018
The following are required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly :
* From Alan Thomson Sim:
– ATS Cambridge to Peterborough route https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=alan-thomson-simulation-cambridge-to-peterborough
– InterCity 225 VTEC / LNER pack https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=intercity-225-lner-vtec-pack
* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Class 91 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 156 DMU pack
– Class 158 (Cummins) enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 170 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 365 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Mark 1 Coach Pack Volume 1
– Mark 2A-2C Coach Pack
* From Bossman Games :
– BR Rebuilt Merchant Navy Class https://www.bossmangames.co.uk/br-rebuilt-merchant-navy-class.html
* From Just Trains :
– Class 153 Advanced https://www.justtrains.net/product/class-153-dmu-advanced
Optional Requirements
The following are NOT required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly, however they will add to the immersion:
* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Sky and Weather enhancement pack. (Please follow instructions in the route download in order to make it compatible with the sky and weather pack)
I do hope you enjoy this scenario.
Matt Carroll