1Z43 06.13 Sheffield – Swanage “The Swanage Samaritan” (2014)

1Z43 06.13 Sheffield – Swanage “The Swanage Samaritan” (2014)

19th May 2020 4 By Matt Carroll

Hi, and thank you for downloading this scenario.

To install, simply copy the enclosed ‘Content’ folder to your Railworks folder. This is a ‘Standard’ scenario and is named – [MJC] 1Z43 0613 Sheffield – Swanage “The Swanage Samaritan”

Saturday 14th June 2014 saw the first known visit of an HST to Swanage. A trip with an FGW set the previous year was curtailed at Corfe Castle due to gauging issues. This train was a staff special to raise money for the Samaritans. Drive the outward leg between Southampton and Bournemouth.

The following are required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly :

* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Class 43 / Mark 3 Coach (VP185) enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 158 (Cummins) enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 444/450 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)

* From Just Trains :
– Voyager Advanced 2019 https://www.justtrains.net/product/voyager-advanced-2019

* From STEAM :
– South Western Main Line : Southampton to Bournemouth route https://store.steampowered.com/app/1055333/Train_Simulator_South_Western_Main_Line_Southampton__Bournemouth_Route_AddOn/

Optional Requirements
The following are NOT required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly, however they will add to the immersion :

* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Sky and Weather enhancement pack.
– Class 220 / 221 / 222 Sound pack.
– Class 66 enhancement pack (and associated requirements) – Static consist only
– FSA/FTA wagon pack – Static consist only

Scenario run-through
This scenario should last around 35 minutes. Having made our pick-up for SWT and Network Rail staff at Southampton, please proceed to Bournemouth where a further stop will be made. On the day, leading power car 43064 and the first three coaches had their EMT logos replaced with SWT ones.

I do hope you enjoy this scenario.