1V05 18.18 London Waterloo – Fishguard Harbour (2003)

1V05 18.18 London Waterloo – Fishguard Harbour (2003)

5th March 2019 0 By Matt Carroll

On a fine Summer Sunday evening, drive Wales & Borders’ 158836 on the 1818 London Waterloo – Fishguard
Harbour as far as Woking. This is the last year of operation for these popular services that were
introduced by Regional Railways, to provide convenient connections with Eurostar services. Year : 2003.

Requirements :

Portsmouth Direct Waterloo – Portsmouth route
Gatwick Express class 73 pack
Class 442 pack

Armstrong Powerhouse :
Class 158 (Perkins) enhancement pack
Class 158 (Cummins) enhancement pack
Class 421,422,423 sound pack
Class 442 sound pack
Class 455 sound pack
Class 205
Mark 2d-2f coach pack
AP27 London – Brighton scenario pack extra stock
Sky & Weather enhancement pack

Class 159 NSE pack

Thompson :
Class 455/9 pack

From ATS :
Clowes slam door unit mini EP
Class 442 South West Trains reskin

I hope you enjoy this scenario.