1P06 04.50 Dover Priory-Victoria
1st January 2022Good morning driver and welcome aboard the first service of the day to London Victoria.
Set up the cab for our departure at 04.50 and open the doors to let the passenger’s board. Your headcode is 1P06 and the GSMR code is 042.
For the TMS you are driver 15088 and the route code is 1001.
We will be calling at all stations between Dover Priory and Rochester followed by Bromley South @ 06.33 and finally Victoria arriving @ 06.54.
There are two versions included in the download. One is starting in the dark and fog the other is starting as it gets light but is still foggy.
Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1717657/Train_Simulator_Chatham_Main_Line_London_Victoria__Blackfriars__Dover__Ramsgate_Route_AddOn/
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 319 Pack 01 https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/rolling_stock/emu_rs/class_319_electric_multiple_unit_pack_vol_1
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 455 Pack 02 https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/enhancements/emu_ep/class_455_enhancement_pack_vol_2
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 375/377 EP
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 465/466 EP Pack 01
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 465/466 EP Pack 02 https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/enhancements/emu_ep/class_465-466_enhancement_pack_vol_2
Armstrong Powerhouse Sky & Weather Pack https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/enhancements/general/sky_weather_enhancement_pack
Not essential but required if you want to have the intended weather.
All the requirements for the above.
Hyperlinks included in the readme.