1F70 20:01 STP to LDS The Last Paxman in Service
28th December 202011th December 2020 was the last day in service of VP185 powered HSTs on the MML. Tonight you’ve got charge of 43047 and 43049 on their final trip back to Leeds, from Leicester up to Sheffield calling at Derby and Chesterfield on the way. Enjoy these two for one last time! Timings for all services taken from Real time trains.
Payware Requirements:
Just trains:
Midland mainline Derby to Sheffield route
Midland mainline Derby, Nottingham, Leicester extension
Class 222 Meridian
Class 66 pack 02 (Freightliner)
Class 66 pack 03 (EWS)
Class 150/1 pack
Class 156 pack
Class 159 pack
Class 170 pack
European loco and asset pack
Armstrong Powerhouse:
Class 43 (MTU) enhancement pack
Class 43 (VP185) enhancement pack
Class 66 enhancement pack
Class 158 Cummins enhancement pack
Freeware Requirements:
Major Wales Productions:
Class 43 Revamp pack
Class 150/1 Northern Rail reskin
Class 156 East midlands trains reskin
Class 170 Arriva Crosscountry reskin
Alan Thomson Sim:
Ex-LNER (East Midlands Railway) HSTs