1B06/1J01/1J02 Lymington Shuttles

1B06/1J01/1J02 Lymington Shuttles

17th February 2021 0 By harrym16

This is a scenario for the DTG SWML Southampton-Bournemouth route.

You are in charge of a Class 411 EMU working 1B06 05:23 Bournemouth-Brockenhurst, 5J00 05:45 Brockenhurst-Brockenhurst, 1J01 06:12 Brockenhurst-Lymington Pier and finally, 1J02 06:27 Lymington Pier-Brockenhurst.

You start just outside Bournemouth station.

Your CSR code is Area 42.


Armstrong Powerhouse Class 66
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 411/412
Armstrong Powerhouse JNA-C Wagon
Dovetail Games SWML Southampton-Bournemouth
Just Trains Common Library
RSC Class 66 Pack 02
RSC Class 66 Pack 03
RSC Class 66 Pack 05