1A23 05.43 Holyhead – London Euston (1999) v1.1

1A23 05.43 Holyhead – London Euston (1999) v1.1

7th March 2019 14 By Matt Carroll

Updated to v1.1 12/03/19 : After reports of derailments at Llandudno Jn., routing altered to eliminate.

It’s early on a Friday morning in August, and you are driving the first leg of the morning HST departure from Holyhead to London Euston, as far as Crewe. 43178 at the rear of the train doesn’t want to play; the Holyhead fitters have attended but no joy, and she needs to go to a depot. You will have to persevere with only 43007 powering, including providing the train supply. Control are hoping to arrange a replacement at Crewe, so this set can go to Longsight for attention. Year : 1999.

Requirements :

Euro Loco and Asset pack

North Wales Coastal extended route
Class 150/1 pack
Virgin Trians first generation pack

Armstrong Powerhouse :
Sky and Weather enhancement pack
HST Valenta enhancement pack
Class 90 / mk.3 DVT pack
Mark 2d-2f coach pack
Mark 2a-2c coach pack
Class 150/2 pack
Class 150/1 enhancement pack
Class 158 (Cummins) enhancement pack
Class 101/117/121 sound pack
Class 56 enhancement pack

Class 159 NSE pack
Class 101 Regional Railways pack
Settle & Carlisle route
Class 56 RF Sectors
Class 86 pack (static consist only)

Just Trains :
Common assets
Class 20 advanced pack
FNA nuclear flask wagon pack
Seacow wagon pack
VGA van pack (static consist only)

keithmross (Steam) :
WCML North route
WCML over Shap route

Backdated Train Sim :
Class 47 RES reskin pack
EWS / Regional Railways class 37/4 North Wales reskin pack

HST : Branded Virgin / Virgin XC available on ATS
Oovee class 156 pack
DP Simulation North West Regional Railways class 156 reskin pack

I hope you enjoy this scenario.