170M 1808 Brighton to Tonbridge West Yard

170M 1808 Brighton to Tonbridge West Yard

24th August 2021 2 By Scenario Productions

Hello folks, this one is another scenario for the UK Route Designs TSL Southern Lines!

This scenario has been spilt up into two parts to make it easier and so you don’t have to wait for Littlehampton station for 20 mins.

170M 1808 Brighton to Tonbridge West Yard Part 1:
Description: Good Evening Driver, Today you have just taken over from the London driver of 150M. And you are going to be taking this Track Inspection train to Littlehampton in Part 1. It looks pretty quiet out there for this time of the evening. You might have to wait at Ford Junction for a couple of mins to let 2S25 though then you will get the signal. Anyway Good Luck & Enjoy! 🙂

Briefing: Good Evening Driver, Today you have just taken over from the London driver of 150M. And you are going to be taking this Track Inspection train to Littlehampton in Part 1. It looks pretty quiet out there for this time of the evening. You might have to wait at Ford Junction for a couple of mins to let 2S25 though then you will get the signal. Anyway you will be calling at: Littlehampton Only (18:58). GMS-R: 170M. Signal Code: 663. Anyway Good Luck & Enjoy! 🙂

Scenario Start Time: 18:05pm

Route: UK Route Designs TSL Southern Lines

Track Covered: Brighton to Littlehampton

Traction: 73141 / 73136

Date: 23rd August 2021

Duaration: 55 Mins

Difficulty: Normal

Conditions: Clear skies, Summer

UK Route Designs TSL Southern Lines Route
VP Class 73
AP Mk2A-C Coach Pack
AP Mk2D-F Coach Pack
AP Class 375/377 EP
Superalbs Class 700
AP Class 377111 NHS We Thank You
AP Class 313
AP Class 313 (LED Fix)

170M 1808 Brighton to Tonbridge West Yard Part 2:

Description: Welcome back driver, You have been stopped here at Littlehampton for around about 15 mins now and the signaller should give you the path shortly to be on your way to Hove where there will be a driver change occurring. As you are a Track Inspection train you might have some red signals to let passenger trains though first. Anyway a part of that. That’s it from me, I hope you enjoy and good luck! 🙂

Briefing: Welcome back driver, You have been stopped here at Littlehampton for around about 15 mins now and the signaller should give you the path shortly to be on your way to Hove where there will be a driver change occurring. As you are a Track Inspection train you might have some red signals to let passenger trains though first. You will be calling at: Hove Only (20:04). GMS-R: 170M. Signal code: 036. Anyway Good Luck & Enjoy! 🙂

Scenario Start Time: 19:15pm

Route: UK Route Designs TSL Southern Lines

Track Covered: Littlehampton to Hove

Traction: 73141 / 73136

Date: 23rd August 2021

Duaration: 35 Mins

Difficulty: Normal

Conditions: Clear skies, Summer

UK Route Designs TSL Southern Lines Route
VP Class 73
AP Mk2A-C Coach Pack
AP Mk2D-F Coach Pack
AP Class 375/377 EP
AP Class 313
AP Class 313 (LED Fix)