5W13/1W13 Swansea – Manchester

5W13/1W13 Swansea – Manchester

21st August 2024 1 By CymruGiard

Take the 4 car 67 hauled MK4 set from Cardiff Canton to Swansea to work the first service to Manchester Piccadilly from Swansea. 

Requirements *NOT ESSENTIAL


South Wales Coastal (Unbranded)


AP (and associated requirements):

150/2 Pack01

Class 158 Perkins EP

Class 158/159 EP

Class 67 EP

Class 91 EP

Class 175 EP V2*

Class 800 EP

HHA Wagon Pack



TfW Class 67/MK4 Pack

TfW Class 158

TfW Class 150

Class 175 Revamp*


This is my first attempt at making scenarios. If you have any feedback, please let me know.