1R28 Glasgow Queen Street – Edinburgh Waverly
26th April 2023Drive a 3 car Class 170 service from Glasgow queen street to Edinburgh Waverly via falkirk high. Timings and AI are all from real time trains. I hope you enjoy this scenario as much as i did making it. Requirements are below.
DTG: Edinburgh – Glasgow route
Armstrong powerhouse:
Class 170 EP
Class 158 Cummings EP
Class 156 (this is only for 1 ai so wont break the sim if you dont have it)
AP Sky and Weather enhancement pack 2.0
Class 91 EP (static ai only)
Alan Thomson Sim:
ASR/FSR Class 158-170 Pack https://alanthomsonsim.com/downloads/asr-fsr-class-158-170-pack/
thank you to David Foster for bringing this missing requirement up.
Intercity 225 LNER/VTEC pack. https://alanthomsonsim.com/downloads/intercity-225-lner-vtec-pack/
Just Trains.
Class 220 Voyager pack (static ai only)
Class 170 Scotrail Pack (AP Enhancement Pack)
Feedback is what encourages me to do more so please if you have a few minutes i would appreciete a comment after you play this good or bad 🙂
Found the issue. The link below contains the missing this patch/skins. I’m now good to go.
Despite having ALL the requirements you list, RW Tools tells me i’m missing several items.
Class 158 DMSLA_VUL.bin + DMSLB_VUL.bin
Class 170_MSL.bin
I assume there’s reskins or patches you’ve failed to list in the requirements.
Hmmm this is strange as i only used the default AP liverys the 158 and 170 come with. Let me do some more digging
The Class 170 MSL comes up as missing this: Class170\SR_Salt_AP_2\Engine\Class170_MSL.bin
I still can’t find anything anywhere relating to the 158 DMSLA_VUL.bin or DMSLB_VUL.bin
Thank you so much for that David. I was at work yesterday and finished late so only really got on the pc to have a further look at this. Thank you for that i was unaware that was a requirement i just assumed was the AP ones. I will add that as a requirement and credit you thank you for taking the time to pinpoint that.
Apologies Ross, i’ve now realised there must be a Class 91 patch or reskin missing and another Class 170 patch or skin missing Abellio SR Salt (L1) and (L2) missing that i can’t seem to locate at present.
I’ve got the same after some searching it seems to be a reskin from Vulcan productions website which is no longer available just press f2 i did and scenario run ok.
I just swapped the missing stuff out via RW Tools. Scenario ran fine and was enjoyable but spent more time trying to locate the patches or reskins than driving the scenario. Still, i enjoyed the run nonetheless so thank you Ross and keep them coming.
really sorry about this i obviously have lieries installed that i am unaware i have and others dont. I am trying to see if i can work ot what livery comes from where in TSTOOLS