1D51 2130 Kings X to Leeds

1D51 2130 Kings X to Leeds

27th June 2024 0 By Adam Haigh

Tonight, you’ll be driving the second to last East Coast service from London to Leeds as far as Peterborough. Your traction is an IC225 set. Year: 2010.


50-minute scenario for Kings X to Kings Lynn route by ATS.



Alan Thomson Sim (and their dependencies):

09 Series Ballast Tamper;

Kings X to Kings Lynn;

Peterborough to Cambridge.


Armstrong Powerhouse (and their dependencies):

Weather EP V2;

Class 66 EP;

Class 91 EP;

Class 170 EP;

Class 313;

Class 317 Vol 1;

Class 321;

Class 365 EP;

JNA-C wagons.


Major Wales Design (and their dependencies):

Class 43 Revamp;

Class 180 Revamp.

