Class 158 Arriva Trains Wales Passenger Interior
2nd April 2019This was a great attempt to replicate the Arriva Trains Wales interior as close as possible. It is for the revised/refurbished Arriva Trains Wales liveried Class 158. This is my first interior reskin, so hope you enjoy it.
Class 158 (Perkins) Enhancement Pack
DTG Class 159 NSE
Extra Information;
Also usable with any other ATW/TFW class 158, but only if the ‘.bin’ files are edited using RWTools to change the ‘PassengerView’ file path directory. It is also possible to copy and paste the ‘Class158_DMSLA.bin’ file into an Ex-Arriva Trains Wales (TFW) liveried class 158, if you have one.
this is great. any chance of doing a transport for wales class 158 interior
This is superb, you should do it to all the 158’s then make a pack out of it 😉