(12 Days of Scenarios 2023- Day 1) 1Z36 06:54 Reading-Wrexham General
13th December 2023(12 Days of Scenarios 2023- Day 1) 1Z36 06:54 Reading-Wrexham General
12 Days of Scenarios returns for its 4th year and we start off on one of the oldest routes in T.S. Today you are working the first part of 1Z36 06:54 Reading-Wrexham General/’The Scratching Santa’. You have a stop at Didcot Parkway on the way before a crew change at Oxford. Your traction for today is 58019. Year=1999
How to install
1. Extract using 7zip
2. Copy contents folder into railworks folder
3. Done!
Route: Great Western Mainline
Duration: 45mins
Armstrong Powerhouse
BR Mk1
BR Mk2 D-F*
Class 37 Vol 1 & 2
Class 43 Valenta EP
Class 56 EP*
Class 66 EP
Class 158C EP
FSA wagons
HAA wagons*
JXA wagons*
MEA wagons*
MFA wagons
MKA wagons
TDA wagons
Weather EP
GoldStarTrains Tamper*
WatsonPD PCV coaches
BH reskins
Class 60 reskin pack (Available on BHreskins FB page as well as group)
Class 56 (For AP 56 EP)*
Class 58
Class 66 EWS (For AP 66 EP)
Class 159 (For AP 158 EP)
Class 460*
MJA wagons*
Just Trains
Class 60
Peppercorn Workshop
BR Class 58 CS Unbranded/Fastline
Anything marked with * is for static AI only.
I believe that is everything. If there is anything missing or you have any issues please let me know and I will do my best to fix the issue, other than that I hope you enjoy this scenario!
An excellent scenario thank you
Nice scenario, Thank you.
Hi – looking forward to running this scenario. I notice that I don’t seem to have the Rail Express 47 – do you know where it’s from? (Obviously I could switch it, but would rather not!)
Hi Barry, do you mean the RES 47 shown in the picture? That comes as part of the European Loco and Asset pack. If you’ve been playing TS for a while you’ll likely already have it, but it is usually quite cheap on the Steam store.
I do have the European Loco and Asset Pack, but LocoSwap didn’t identify the ‘JT47RESFaded’ that the scenario was looking for. There is a Rail Express 47 in the pack, so I just swapped it and the scenario ran perfectly.
Lovely job, Robbo – thanks!