Scenario 1 = 1V52 0701 Edinburgh to Plymouth
Train = Class 221 Super Voyager (Just Trains)
Journey = York to Wakefield Westgate
Weather = Cloudy Showers
Difficulty = 1/5
In this Scenario you take 221122 from York To Wakefield Westgate Calling At
Leeds and Wakefield Westgate depending on how quick you get to Leeds you
may have to sit outside Leeds For a bit but that’s about it for Difficulty on this
Scenario 2 = 1D10 1033 London Kings Cross to Leeds
Train = A Class 91
Journey = Doncaster to Leeds
Weather = Clear
Difficulty = 2/5
In this Scenario you start outside Doncaster waiting for an Edinburgh
Service to Depart platform 4 Due to Platform 8 having a points Failure.
You then form a service to Leeds Calling at Wakefield Westgate and
Scenario 3 = 1E35 1154 Liverpool Lime Street to Scarborough
Train = Class 68 Nova 3 Set
Journey = Leeds to York Via Garforth
Weather = Cloudy
Difficulty 3/5
In this Scenario you are driving 68034 from Leeds to York Calling at
Garforth on the way You need to Stay vigilant but will eventually reach
Scenario 4 = 2B76 1627 Doncaster to Leeds
Train = Class 322
Journey = Doncaster To Leeds Stopping
Weather = Torrential Rain (Typical British Weather)
Difficulty 3/5
In this Scenario you are driving a Class 322 On an all stops service from
Doncaster to Leeds Due to bad weather you must remember to brake
earlier when coming into stations.
-Leeds Lines Phase 2
-Nova 3
-LNER Class 225
-LNER Azuma class 800
-Northern class 321 reskin
Armstrong Powerhouse
-AP Class 320/321/322
-AP Class 150/2
-AP Class 158 Cummings EP
-AP Class 170 EP
-AP Class 91 MK4 EP
-AP Class 43 MTU EP
-AP Class 43 VP185 EP
-AP Class 68 EP
-AP Class 37 Pack Vol 1
-AP Class 66 EP
-AP Class 220/221 sound pack
Just Trains
-Voyager Advanced 2019
-Class 153 Advanced
-Class 801
-Class 180 Grand Central
Major Wales Design
-Class 180 Revamp Pack
-Northern class 155 Reskin
I hope you enjoy this Scenario Pack I really enjoyed making it. All scenarios have
been vigorously tested to check everything works properly however if any errors
occur please don’t hesitate to email me and ill get it sorted if I can