(WJ) 1P24 09:18 Dover Priory to London Victoria
5th November 2022In this scenario you will driving a pair of class 375’s on the Chatham Mainline from Dover all the way through to London Victoria. Times are based on the current WTT timetable.
Scenario requirements:
Route: Chatham Mainline- London Victoria to Dover and Ramsgate by DTG
Armstrong Powerhouse:
375/377 EP
377/379/387 EP
67 EP
66 EP
465/466 EP
700/707/717 EP
Mark 1 Coach Pack
Matrix Trains Pullman Cars – BR Era Set 1
Platinum Jubilee 67007 v.1.11 by flying9 scotsman
Full Belmond British Pullman Pack v1.62 by flyin9 scotsman
Class 66 no driver patch by leander.
Fear not if you don’t have the Pullman coaches for TS. I have included a 2nd download option which swaps these out for AP’s Mark 1 Coaches.
Thank you for downloading this scenario and I hope you enjoy. Any feedback is welcome