SP: Class 442 ‘Final Farewell’ Scenario Pack
25th June 2021On the 2nd of April 2021 South Western Railway decided to send off their 18 strong fleet of ‘Wessex Electrics’ Class 442s for scrap as an attempt to add an AC traction package to all 18 units fell through and ended up being too expensive, leaving many units in a terrible mechanical state, leading to the decision of them being scrapped in which the process is happening as we speak.
As the Class 442 is by far my favourite EMU, I just had to put in some time to make a scenario pack for these workhorse passenger trains. There are 9 scenarios altogether which are set in different eras to really get a taste of these units through the years. There are scenarios for the South Western Mainline, Portsmouth Direct Line and London to Brighton driving the trains under various TOC’s.
All requirements and how to install the scenarios are in the .zip file, each scenario has their own file within that one. All scenarios have been tested multiple times and some by more than one person. All scenarios will be under the standard tab and will start with ‘SP442:’.
I hope you enjoy these scenarios as I put a massive amount of time into this scenario pack. As always if there are any problems or you would like to give help or feedback, the comment section is the place to do so as I check it regularly.
Hi there i’m trying to download the 9P37 London Waterloo to Portsmouth Harbour but its saying there’s nothing in the scenario file unlike the other ones is there anything that can be done to fix this?
Can you please provide a general list of requirements here before downloading? I’m sure many users, myself included, tend to look at what is needed before downloading so we don’t find we need some rogue item and have a useless scenario pack sitting on our drives.
Hi Cyclone! I understand what you mean completely and understand that not having a few requirements may lead to having a scenario pack taking up unnecessary space. Alot of things included in this scenario pack are repetetive and used quite alot. Below I will tell you the majority of the requirements for this pack. But If you do decide to Download all requirements will be in each file.
Class 442
Class 460
Class 421
Class 423
BR Blue Diesel Electric Pack
Class 159
All Class 66s Variants (Different ones needed for different scenarios)
European Loco & Asset Pack
Class 70
Class 08
Class 58
Portsmouth Direct Line Extended
Southampton – Bournemouth
Chatham Mainline & Medway Valley
London – Brighton
WCML Over Shap
North London & Goblin Lines
Class 455/9 & /8
Class 56
Class 465
Armstrong Powerhouse:
Class 411/412
Class 37 Vol 1 & 2
Class 66 EP
Class 442 Sound Pack
Class 158/159 Cummins EP
Class 444/450 EP
Class 421/422/423 Sound Pack
JHA Wagon Pack
TDA-D Wagon Pack
JXA Wagon Pack
MK1 Coach Pack
MK2D-F & MK2A-C Pack
Class 375/377 EP
Class 319 Pack
FSA/FTA Wagon Pack
Class 47 Sound Pack
Class 57 Sound Pack
Class 455 EP Vol 1 & 2
Class 56 EP
Class 43 HST Valenta EP
Class 50 Pack
Class 465 EP Vol 1
Class 456 Pack
Just Trains:
Voyager DEMU Pack
JT Common Library
Class 442 SWT Pre & Post C6 Reskins
Class 442 NSE Reskin
Class 442 SWR Reskin
Class 444/450 SWR Reskin
Class 444/450 Destination Patch
Class 442 Destination Patch
Class 37 WIPAC Pack
MJA Wagon Mendip Rail Reskin
Class 421/423 Connex Reskins
Voyager Consist Patch
Class 456 SWR Reskin
Class 66 LED Headlight Patch
I think this is if not most, all the requirements for this pack! I hope this tempts you into downloading and giving it a go!
For the benefit of knowledge, is Portsmouth Direct Line Extended the same as the Waterloo to Portsmouth route or are you looking for the specific DPS extension 9no longer in the Workshop or on his site due to the Waterloo extension), or perhaps a different one in the Workshop today? A little clarity here is helpful.
Sound packs that are no longer for sale should probably be excluded from use in scenarios for the purpose of reaching the most people. Therefore, the Class 421/422/423 Sound Pack should probably be worked out of whatever scenarios it’s in. If that means the reskins would not work, then the reskins might have to go as well. Unless Richard makes the pack available, accessibility to that particular item could limit use of those scenarios.
Which Common Library is used for JT? Is it necessary for players to have the Midland Mainline to get what items are used, or would the Common Library from an earlier route suffice?
My last concern is you probably use way too many items for a “scenario pack”. In my mind it’s better to theme a pack around a certain route and set of locos, not use things all over the map. See the ones on Steam that use a few main trains (purchasing required) but stay within those limits to make the pack more accessible. Obviously you can use what you want, but accessibility to the entire pack is not guaranteed for anyone unless they have spent a metric buttton on the game. (Which might be a qualified term for many users on this site…LOL)
I appreciated your comment firstly about the requirements and happily typed out a requirement list for you. The scenario pack was based on the Class 442 EMU that was along its life used on a good few lines, and my aim in this pack was to replicate that within train sim. In said scenarios I used things that I have access too, to make sure the scenarios are of the highest quality that I can make them with the content and knowledge I can get my hands on. I am also pretty sure all the old slam door reskins work without the sound pack so not having it is barely affecting anything. There are shedloads of DLC and third party things I still don’t have on train sim too so saying I use ‘too much’ in my scenarios is a bit odd in my humble opinion, as stated before I want them to be as interesting and realistic as I can get them, along with using a bit of imagination. The JT Common Library is plainly used for stop markers which I believe come with all JT routes. I appreciate the feedback but at the same time don’t really want people telling me how to make scenarios after spending weeks on something that I have great passion and pride in and clearly most other people seem to be happy with how I do my scenarios in the present and past.
Have a good day,
Sorry for the late reply. Not trying to tell you what to do, just advising of things that may be harder for people to come by or are no longer available. The Class 421-423 sound pack was an example of that, and it was merely general advice that in the future you may want to avoid a reliance on that. I actually suspect an EP might be coming, and I know there is talk of that, so if that’s the case you might very well have a desire to update the scenarios in the future. Whether you do that or not, don’t think I’m trying to be harsh or bossy; just trying to be helpful. =)
Hi Cyclone. No problem with the late reply. I appreciate the help entirely as I’m still learning when it comes to scenario creation. The only reason I use the Slammer sound pack is for realism to be fair as I like to keep my scenarios realistic with sounds and liveries. Regardless, have a good day!
The Portsmouth Direct Line used is the London to Portsmouth Route off of steam marketplace by DTG.
Cyclone, Thanks for popping in…I don’t think you appreciate the time and effort people put into making scenarios, it takes hours of research, hours of testing, scenario packs will always have long lists of requirements, there is README files in the download which has been place for EACH individual scenario which was said in the description, which when you look at the requirements individually this list’s aren’t massive, some people may also only select certain era’s of the pack they want to drive, others like myself will drive all era’s,
in regards to the sound packs, the units will still show and operate as normal even without a sound pack installed..because its just a sound pack, nothing else.
This pack is listed as a ” final farewell” pack, which to anyone with an IQ level above a teaspoon can work out its to acknowledge these units life throughout its entire years of service across all networks it operated on hence why this pack is based over a few era’s and routes,
this pack is free, he is not charging for the hours of work he’s put in to this
this is an incredibly good pack, you can see a lot of work and effort has gone into it and I highly recommend downloading it.
Hi Sim, I wound up not popping in for a while, and as I just replied above, I’m not trying to be brash or standoffish. This does look like a good pack. I’ve been doing some unrelated research on something else lately (namely other unavailable content), and I know research takes a lot of effort. I actually did research a certain service one day and literally have a batch of spreadsheets for a scenario I have in mind, and it’ll be a chore to put together, but I’ll at some point feel confident enough to give scenario making a try myself and put that together. =)
Hi Cyclone,
As another scenario creator, I see no issue with the pack. Him stating it’s PDE gives a clear indication of which route it is as it is the only route with that name.
The sound packs issue is more valid, however there are many packs out there that use this sound pack and until a replacement pack comes out there’s nothing that can be done.
JT common library is the same throughout all their routes which is why it’s called a common library.
Finally, his theme is more than suitable and actually a nice change than just having all the scenarios on one route. 442s have recently been withdrawn and the fact that someone has actually produced a farewell pack or a decent number of scenarios for them is surely something positive and not negative.
Also, surely if you have all the requirements then there isn’t an issue to raise?