[RS] Class 185 Scenario Pack 1 (2017 – 2019)

[RS] Class 185 Scenario Pack 1 (2017 – 2019)

5th December 2021 9 By 87002RS-John

Hello, this is a scenario pack for the excellent ATS and Imbue Studios Class 185 Pack. It features five ‘standard’ scenarios which utilise the following routes:
•ATS Chat Moss
•ATS Leeds Lines Phase 2
•DP Simulations North East England
•Pennine Pacer’s Manchester Stations – Huddersfield
Complete length of included scenarios – Approximately 4 hours 30 minutes:

To install, simply extract the .zip file using whichever software you have and copy the ‘Content’ folder to your RailWorks install “usually” found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks

Below you will find a brief outline of the in game title and description of each of the included scenarios. The requirements (for ALL five scenarios in the pack) are listed below. There is a vast array of requirements which may seem a little overwhelming to some, please bear in mind this is for over four and a half hours driving across five scenarios on four routes, so to make it as immersive and realistic as possible a large amount of requirements had to be used. Included with the download is a detailed manual with links to everything you need.

>Scenario 1: [RS 185-1] (1) 1E76 1612 Liverpool Lime Street – Newcastle (2017)
Route: ATS Chat Moss. Duration: 55 minutes.
>Description: Drive recently re-liveried 185110 on the first leg of its journey from Liverpool to Newcastle, you will be in charge as far as Manchester before getting relieved. No issues have been reported this evening but there was major disruption on the route earlier this afternoon with a signal failure at Ordsall Lane Junction so there are still a few late running trains which may delay you on your trip.

>Scenario 2: [RS 185-1] (2) 1P55 1626 Middlesbrough – Manchester Airport (2017)
Route: DPS North East England. Duration: 60 minutes.
>Description: This evening you are tasked with driving the first part of TPE’s 1P55 1626 Middlesbrough to Manchester Airport service as far as York before you have a break. You will be driving ‘Dynamic Lines’ liveried 185130 which is one of the units still carrying the old livery.

>Scenario 3: [RS 185-1] (3) 1P87 1847 Manchester Airport – Middlesbrough (2018)
Route: ATS Leeds Lines. Duration: 40 minutes.
>Description: Tonight, you are working 1P87 the 1847 from Manchester Airport – Middlesbrough as far as York. Having taken over from Manchester, you begin being held outside Leeds waiting for a platform. When your signal clears you will be calling at Leeds, Garforth and York where you will be relieved. Your traction this evening is in the form of ‘Bee in the City’ liveried 185116.

>Scenario 4: [RS 185-1] (4) 1P34 1616 Newcastle – Manchester Airport (2019)
Route: ATS Leeds Lines. Duration: 40 minutes.
>Description: Having had a break in York partway through your diagram you are now tasked with working 1P34 the 1616 Newcastle – Manchester Airport as far as Leeds. You are scheduled to run express to Leeds however, due to a major signalling failure earlier in the afternoon you may have some congestion as you get closer to Leeds.

>Scenario 5: [RS 185-1] (5) 2M64 0828 Huddersfield – Manchester Piccadilly (2019)
Route: Pennine Pacer’s Manchester Stations – Huddersfield. Duration 55 minutes.
>Description: You begin this service having just changed ends at Huddersfield and the next part of your job now is to work 2M64 the 0828 local stopping service through to Manchester Piccadilly. This is a popular service with both city commuters and day trippers alike. Due to being loosely timed and heavy traffic around Manchester you may well encounter a few cautionary signals as you get nearer to journeys end.

WCML South:
EWS Class 66 V2:
Freightliner Class 66 V2:
Fastline Simulation YQA Parr Wagon Pack (Steam Marketplace):

>Armstrong Powerhouse:
Class 37 Locomotive Pack Vol.1:
Class 37 Locomotive Pack Vol.2:
Class 43 (MTU)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack:
Class 43 (VP185)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack:
Class 66 Enhancement Pack:
Class 67 Enhancement Pack:
Class 68 Enhancement Pack:
Class 91/Mk4 Enhancement Pack:
AP/Waggonz Class 142 Diesel Multiple Unit Pack:
Class 150/1 Enhancement Pack:
Class 150/2 Multiple Unit Pack:
Class 156 Multiple Unit Pack:
Class 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack:
Class 158 (Perkins) Enhancement Pack:
Class 175 Enhancement Pack 2.0:
Class 319 Electric Multiple Unit Pack Vol.1:
Class 321 Electric Multiple Unit Pack:
Class 350 Enhancement Pack:
Mk2 D-F Coach Pack:
BAA/BZA Wagon Pack:
FSA/FTA Wagon Pack:
HHA Wagon Pack:
HIA Wagon Pack:
JNA-C Wagon Pack:
Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack (Recommended):

>Alan Thomson Sim:
ATS / Imbue Studios Class 185 Multiple Unit Pack:
ATS Chat Moss Route:
Leeds Lines Phase 2 (or later):
Manchester Stations to Huddersfield Route Add-on (Pennine Pacer):
Freightliner Class 66 Pack -v2.1- (Bodge It TMD):
VTEC and LNER HST Reskin Pack:
Intercity 225 LNER/VTEC Reskin Pack:
LNER ICS Class 91119:
Class 158 – Northern Variants:
Class 220/221 (JT) Updated Consists:
Class 322 Northern Unbranded (+ requirements):
Drax Biomass Wagons (Public Beta v1.3): (Recommended)

>DP Simulation:
North East England V3:

>Just Trains:
Voyager Advanced 2019:
JJA Autoballaster PlusPak Advanced:
Class 20 Advanced Collection (for RHTT Wagons): (Recommended)

>Major Wales Design:
Class 43 Revamp Pack:
Class 142 Revamp Pack:
Class 390 Revamp Pack

Items marked (Recommended) are not essential to the scenario(s) but highly recommended for the player to experience the intended immersion. That’s it for this one. I really do hope you enjoy the drive. Please feel free to leave feedback, questions, or any issues you might have via the download page on the website or via the ATS Facebook Group. As always, look forward to hearing your comments.

My other creations can be found here: https://alanthomsonsim.com/shop/87002rs
My thanks and credit go to Aaron Keith Smith for help testing this pack

>Update Log: (None)
05/12/2021: Initial Release

Take care, enjoy,
John (87002RS)