[RS] 90004/90044 – 4M87 1113 Felixstowe North – Trafford Park F.L.T (2021)

[RS] 90004/90044 – 4M87 1113 Felixstowe North – Trafford Park F.L.T (2021)

28th February 2022 6 By 87002RS-John

Hello, this is one ‘standard’ scenario for the ‘WCML Trent Valley Route’ available from Steam.
Length: Approximately 70 minutes.

To install, simply extract the .zip file using whichever software you have and copy the ‘Content’ folder to your RailWorks install “usually” found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks

>Scenario Guide:
You begin this scenario at Hillmorton Junction south of Rugby stopped at a red signal waiting for a path. When you get on the move you will call at Rugby to drop a colleague off who will work one back south to Wembley before you carry on through to Stafford with 4M87. You have just over 10,000 horsepower available to you with two class 90s in charge but be mindful of your braking distances as with over 1,900 tonnes in tow, it will take a long time (and distance) to bring it to a stop. A detailed manual with links to everything you need is included with the download, enjoy.

The following also require *ALL* their listed dependencies to function as intended:

WCML Trent Valley Route Add-on:
EWS Class 66 V2:
Freightliner Class 66 V2:
Powerhaul Class 66 V2:
GEML Class 90:

>Armstrong Powerhouse:
Class 66 Enhancement Pack:
Class 90 (Freightliner) Pack:
Class 350 Enhancement Pack:
FSA/FTA Wagon Pack:
Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack (Recommended):

>Alan Thomson Sim:
Class 90 Ex-Greater Anglia (+ dependencies):
Class 90 G&W Freightliner (+ dependencies – version -2.1- Dec 2021):
Freightliner Class 66 Pack -v2.1- (+ dependencies):
Maritime and PD Ports Class 66s (+ dependencies):

>Just Trains:
Class 20 Advanced Collection (for RHTT wagons):

>Major Wales Design:
Class 390 Revamp Pack (+ all dependencies):

>Note: If you wish to get the AP Sky and Weather EP to work properly on the route you need to do the following:
>Navigate to – Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\AP\WeatherEP\TimeOfDay
>Copy the 4 x .bin files from there and paste in to the following folder, overwriting when prompted:

That’s it for this one, I really hope you enjoy the drive. Please do feel free to leave feedback, questions, or any issues you may have via the download page on the website or via the ATS Facebook Group and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. As always, I look forward to hearing your comments.

>Update Log: (None) – 28/02/22 – Initial Release
>My other creations can be found here: https://alanthomsonsim.com/shop/87002rs/

Take care, enjoy,
John (87002RS)