Paddington to Paignton, set in 2018/19 by Martin Masterson V1.1
2nd September 2021This route combines my Reading to Pewsey extension of the JT South Western Expressways with OHLE, that in turn was merged into HSTs Railways of Devon and Cornwall to make Berks and Hants to Bristol and Penzance (BHBP) and Western Mainlines (WML) Electrification Project to make a full run from Paddington down to Paignton, Totnes, Exmouth and more!
WML was not built using Google Maps and is not set correctly unlike the rest of the routes used. The merge did correct this at Reading but Paddington is still out of line with GPS map data. WML at Reading was a lot lower at the merge point so has been rebuilt with a 1 in 200 gradient coming into Reading to correct this and hopefully you won’t notice
V1.1 October 2021 Changes :-
On the section Reading to Paddington, corrected numerous signal faults that could need the player train to tab to pass
Added signal cages to gantry signals, included TFL re-skinned benched that are now unavailable on the WML OHLE route plus various scenery improvements
When changing to this new version you must re run the included batch file as per the instructions to see the new TFL benches or add them if they were missing
Go into your Assets folder and run the batch file ‘SWE.bat’ (this will the copy assets .GEO files to the custon assets included)
Requirements:- This route uses both routes listed below. If you already have these it is very quick and easy install if not, you need both plus all there requirements, they are both very good routes to have in your library
Berks and Hants to Bristol and Penzance:- https://alanthomsonsim.com/downloads/berks-and-hants-to-bristol-and-penzance-v2/
Western Mainlines Electrification Project:- https://alanthomsonsim.com/downloads/western-mainlines-electrification-project-stage-1/
Paddington to Paignton route includes a good number of Quick Drives with AI, several Free Roam scenarios plus 4 custom made scenarios.
Full instructions are packed with the route as are the scenario and QD AI requirements
Apologies, but I don’t really understand the description. How does this differ from BHBP or WML Electrified etc?
I am missing platforms at Newbury Racecourse. Do you know what asset it is supposed to be? I have all the requirements installed and I am on a brand new fresh install with nothing but this route and it’s requirements (including all requirements for those routes). Any help much appreciated.
I love this route and this latest ver 1.1 seems to be a pretty big improvement over the previous one. I am getting better framerates (slight stutters at Reading), and the scenery from Reading to London looks pretty good now. An excellent merge. Thank you
It’s the cache that’s always the problem!
Hey, is there any chance in the future of this being extended down to Plymouth or even Penzance?
+1 – I’d love to see this
Despite trying to install it several times I am not able to see this route in TS. I have the required routes installed and have run the SWE.bat file, cleared the cache etc but it just does not show up in standard scenarios, free roam, quick drive or build routes list. Has anyone else experienced this?
Hi Mike, I have never had this problem flagged to me with any route I have issued. Are you installing it by manually or via an installer? Can you see the route in Content/Routes ? 4ca92c66-2b59-4fe7-9b6e-2c459698b8e3
Also, try deleting SDBCache.bin in the Content folder
Hi Martin, thanks for the response. I looked in the routes folder and that route code was not there. I manually copied it out of the contents folder and I am now happily speeding towards Newbury in the 387. Childhood memories of travelling this line from Cornwall behind steam and diesel-hydraulics in the late 1950s….
Great, thanks for letting me know Mike.
With Martin’s help I’ve got rid of the freezes in my copy of the route. What I did was:
“Untick” the dlc requirements for Berks and Hants to Bristol and Penzance route. Give it half an hour or so and then “re-tick” them. This will ensure you don’t have any duff assets messing things up.
Brighton Main Line
Town Scenery Pack
Platform Clutter Pack
West Somerset
North Somerset
WCML North
European Loco and Asset Pack (Not required if you had Train Simulator before Sept 2012)
Bristol to Cardiff
I then downloaded fresh copies of the following requirements and then re-installed them all saying “Yes” to overwriting:
DP Simulation: Barnstaple to Exeter
Chris Trains: NS Station and Object Scenery
UK Trainsim: Bridge Kit (Haddock 1000)
Vulcan Productions: VP Grass Pack
Major Wales: IET/EMU Stop Sign Pac
I don’t know which of these was the problem, but having done it I no longer have the dreaded freezes, and can enjoy the route properly.
Hi Martin..what a fantastic route. Brilliant! Myself, I worked on the railway, 35 years, 25 down in Devon…and the route is spot on! A frew strange noises from Cowley Bridge to Newton when working 1C75 – but so what? Can you find the time to enhance the route to Penzance and maybe Reading, Oxford, Worcester, Stourbridge, Birmingham? 🙂 Well done m8.
Glad you like the route, and from a ex worker on part of the route that makes it even better!
I will add all your requests within the next few days 🙂 LOL
Thank you. Keep up the good work 🙂
I might be able to help with that, because I have some diagrams of this area including Crossrail. Having the Airport and the Thames and Windsor branches would be nice to have too. I am happy to see this.
hi, fantastic route, love it, is there any more senarios do you know of?
there is a 158 scenario from Bristol-temple-Meads to Exmouth by Robin Price
I have seen two on ATS
Obviously very happy to try to get to the bottom of this issue. However, I can’t work out how to PM you?
Hi, thanks very much for a great route which I am thoroughly enjoying. My only observation is when you past Reading West to Newbury the route will freeze in a few places and then runs as normal with 30 FPS out of Paddington and 60 FPS after the freezing occurrences.
Hi there, sorry you have this but your the first to report this problem. Is it after Theale? If so is it also on BHBP route? How long is the freeze?
I have exactly the same problem with freezing after Reading West.
Can you PM me as this will involve you deleting tiles till you find the bad obe then the bad asset you have and that may fix both of these freezing comments !
I’ve left you a PM on Facebook, and am very much looking forward to solving this issue with you.
Try the re downloading of the DLCs just as Tim has posted.