MLH 6M83 Ipswich to Ditton BOC part 5 (Lite) for WCML Mid & NorthWest
6th August 2019Rolling Stock Used in 6M83 Ipswich to Ditton BOC part 5 for WCML Mid&NW
AP_Waggonz\class90s and DVT
DT\DT_BritishRail_WagonPack + VP wagon pack skins
DTG\BRBluePack02 plus VP IC Motorail skins for GUV
DTG\Class20Pack02 + AP sounds
DTG\Class20Pack03_RF + AP sounds
DTG\Class303Pack01 + AP sounds & RFletcher GM skins
DTG\VirginPack01 + Backdated trains 47 packs
FastlineSimulation\102t Class A Tank + VP rfletcher BOC skins
JustTrains\Class60 + AP sound pack
Kuju\RailSimulator + AP 43 VAL & VP185 EPs
RSC\Class31Pack02 + AP 31 EP
RSC\Class56Pack01_RFSectors + AP 56 EP
RSC\Class86Pack + AP sound pack
RSC\Class87Pack01 + AP sound pack
RSC\Class92Pack01 for Megafrets + VP realistic branding
Use exe or, go into folder then copy content folder to main railworks folder.
Afternoon, you’re driving 6M83 to it’s final destination. Your max speed is 60mph.
This is the Lite version, I full works version may be made soon.
Hi matthew thanks for your help and the scenarios i found the 86 on treinpunt
can anyone tell me if the BOC Tanks by richard fletcher are still available i cant find them on dpsimulation website i thought i had them already but seem to have vanished .thx
it seems to be bin files im missing for the tank wagonsand also the bin file for 86260
Do you have the AP sound pack installed for the 86? I think that skins available on VP or DPS.
Nothing I can do for the BOC tanks at the moment. You could swap them out with RW_Tools for other TEA’s