![[MJT] 6R95 03:42 Willesden Euroterminal Gbrf – New Bilton (Cemex) [MJT] 6R95 03:42 Willesden Euroterminal Gbrf – New Bilton (Cemex)](https://alanthomsonsim.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/6R95.jpg)
[MJT] 6R95 03:42 Willesden Euroterminal Gbrf – New Bilton (Cemex)
3rd August 2024This morning you form 6-Romeo-95 where you will be taking 22 JNA-T wagons full of spoil that’s come from the High Speed 2 construction site over at Old Oak Common, from the Logistics Hub at Willesden Euroterminal down towards New Bilton sidings in Rugby. The soil in question will be processed and put to beneficial reuse for a variety of projects in the future such as new housing lots and nature reserves. It is very early on in the morning on the WCML so traffic is looking very low at this time and it should be a rather straightforward journey down, although do expect some hold up outside of Rugby! Your maximum designated speed limit is 60MPH, where applicable.
Setting: 1st August 2024
Total Duration: 115 mins
Track Covered: Willesden Euroterminal – Rugby via WCML
Traction: 66768
**Important things to know**:
– Once you arrive at New Bilton Sidings, you are presented with the end message as usual. However, for some reason, the scenario does not close once you receive this message, and will still register it as incomplete both in-game and in the menu, with it still displaying the instruction to stop at this siding. I have been unable to find a solution for this, and you may close down the scenario once you receive the message.
– Depending on how fast you go, you will be waiting at a red signal at Hillmorton Jn for up to 25 minutes. If you prefer not to wait that long, enable the async key and fast-forwarding time to around 05:45am. Otherwise, by all means, take a little break…or you can just sit there at the screen waiting for two 350s to overtake!
1. Download and extract the provided .zip file.
2. Navigate to the ‘Content’ folder, and drag/copy+paste it into your Railworks directory. The scenario should now be installed. Enjoy!
(* = non-important. Objects/hyperlinks highlighted in bold are essential for the scenario to function as intended. Most AP DLCs come with their own further requirements. All credit due to the authors of the listed 3rd party objects and freeware)
WCML South
Payware, and related freeware:
> 3D ZUG Ealnos GBRF Wagons
> AP Class 350 EP
> AP Class 66 EP
> AP Class 92 SP (discontinued)
> AP FSA/FTA Wagon Pack
> AP Sky & Weather EP 2.0*
> AP Wagon (Modern) SP* (Applies AP sounds to 3DZug wagons and HYA-B wagons)
> ATS/MaxTracks Mk5 Sleeper Coach Pack
> Freightliner Class 70
> WCML Trent Valley