(JR) 1E07 08:30 Edinburgh-London Kings Cross

(JR) 1E07 08:30 Edinburgh-London Kings Cross

6th March 2023 9 By Robbo13

1E07 08:30 Edinburgh-London Kings Cross

Over the weekend of the 25th & 26th of Februrary, engineering work was carried out between Stevenage & Alexandra Palace. An amended timetable has been put in place with LNER, Grand Central, Hull Trains & Thameslink services all running via the Hertford Loop. You join 1E07 on the approach to Peterborough and will work the remainder of the service down to Kings Cross. Expect a slow run round the Hertford Loop as we now have to fit in with regular services, as well as those diverted services. Year=2023

NOTE: Two VMS signals shortly after joining the Hertford Loop are stuck on red. Unfortunatley the AP Signal EP does not work on these, therefore a TAB is required. The signals in question are mentioned in your briefing in-game.

How to install
1. Extract using 7zip
2. Copy Contents folder into Railworks folder
3. Done!

Route: ECMLS & Hertford Loop V1.5

Duration: 90mins


Armstrong Powerhouse
BR Mk2 D-F*
Class 37 vol 1 & 2*
Class 66 EP*
Class 67 EP*
Class 91 EP*
Class 156
Class 170 EP
Class 387 EP
Class 700 EP
Class 800 EP
FSA Wagons*
JNA Wagons*
Signal EP
Weather EP V2.0

Class 66 lights*
InterCity 225 LNER/VTEC Pack*
LNER 800 Tartan reskin

Chatham Mainline (For AP 387 EP)
Class 66 EWS/FL (For AP 66 EP)*
Class 67 (For AP 67 EP)*
Class 91 (For AP 91 EP)*
Class 170 (For AP 170 EP)
Class 180
Class 700 (For AP 700 EP)
Class 801 (For AP 800 EP)
WCML Over Shap*
YQA Parr wagons (Steam Marketplace)*

Just Trains
Class 153

Class 153 revamp pack
Class 180 revamp pack

Anything marked with * is for static AI only. The scenario will still work as intended, even if you do not have these.

I believe that is everything, if there is anything missing or you have any issues please let me know and I will do my best to fix the issue. Other than that I hope you enjoy this scenario.

06/03/2023 20:30
Updated to include a version with less AI.