(JR) 1E07 08:30 Edinburgh-London Kings Cross
6th March 20231E07 08:30 Edinburgh-London Kings Cross
Over the weekend of the 25th & 26th of Februrary, engineering work was carried out between Stevenage & Alexandra Palace. An amended timetable has been put in place with LNER, Grand Central, Hull Trains & Thameslink services all running via the Hertford Loop. You join 1E07 on the approach to Peterborough and will work the remainder of the service down to Kings Cross. Expect a slow run round the Hertford Loop as we now have to fit in with regular services, as well as those diverted services. Year=2023
NOTE: Two VMS signals shortly after joining the Hertford Loop are stuck on red. Unfortunatley the AP Signal EP does not work on these, therefore a TAB is required. The signals in question are mentioned in your briefing in-game.
How to install
1. Extract using 7zip
2. Copy Contents folder into Railworks folder
3. Done!
Route: ECMLS & Hertford Loop V1.5
Duration: 90mins
Armstrong Powerhouse
BR Mk2 D-F*
Class 37 vol 1 & 2*
Class 66 EP*
Class 67 EP*
Class 91 EP*
Class 156
Class 170 EP
Class 387 EP
Class 700 EP
Class 800 EP
FSA Wagons*
JNA Wagons*
Signal EP
Weather EP V2.0
Class 66 lights*
InterCity 225 LNER/VTEC Pack*
LNER 800 Tartan reskin
Chatham Mainline (For AP 387 EP)
Class 66 EWS/FL (For AP 66 EP)*
Class 67 (For AP 67 EP)*
Class 91 (For AP 91 EP)*
Class 170 (For AP 170 EP)
Class 180
Class 700 (For AP 700 EP)
Class 801 (For AP 800 EP)
WCML Over Shap*
YQA Parr wagons (Steam Marketplace)*
Just Trains
Class 153
Class 153 revamp pack
Class 180 revamp pack
Anything marked with * is for static AI only. The scenario will still work as intended, even if you do not have these.
I believe that is everything, if there is anything missing or you have any issues please let me know and I will do my best to fix the issue. Other than that I hope you enjoy this scenario.
06/03/2023 20:30
Updated to include a version with less AI.
An excellent scenario thank you
Great scenario, Thank you.
Thanks BENELENA, I’m glad you enjoyed the scenario!
EXCELLENT scenario as always worked perfectly thank you.
look forward to your others
Thanks Ross, glad you enjoyed the scenario!
Fantastic scenario, a mix of high speed and yellow-chasing, as well as a lot of fun with the SWEP2.0. Well done!
Thanks Frank, I’m glad you enjoyed the scenario! It was quite a fun scenario to make, even a few of the yellows/reds caught me out when testing!! Still getting use to the weather so hopefully should improve over the next few scenarios! Thanks again for the kind words!
Really enjoyable and challenging scenario, thank you and look forward to your next one.
Thanks Ade, I’m glad you enjoyed the scenario! Thank you for your kind words!