DTG/MJW AWC Class 390 Livery Update

DTG/MJW AWC Class 390 Livery Update

27th September 2024 8 By Nana Glover

This is a livery update for the Avanti West Coast Class 390, these changes were made because I felt DTGs original livery were far too dull, blunt and lifeless so I decided to repaint the train to better represent the AWC livery on the real trains.


Changes Made:

– Updated Teal Colours, Updated Light Pinkish White, Updated White

– Added Grey doors

– Changed destination board green text to white (Only for BHM, BHI, EUS, MAN, LIV, GLC, EBD and NIS)


WCML South by DTG

Class 390 Revamp Pack (Optional) by MJW


Simply pop your Assets folder into your Railworks and to uninstall go to the Original folder and place the Assets folder into your railworks directory.