Class 37 (240): Transrail Grey (Modern)
23rd April 2022Hi, and thanks for downloading! This is my 5th “reskin” uploaded to ATS. I put that in quotation marks because it’s sort of half-reskin, half-patch.
This represents 37240 in it’s current state, Transrail livery with LED lights and modern cab fittings.
All 3 levels of weathering: W1, W2 and W3
Trailing versions of each weathering level
Light locomotive PreLoad (Quick Drive consist)
Modified .bin files
Custom config file
The real locomotive carries a BR-style depot plaque with the Colas Rail logo on it. Not being an expert in modelling child objects, this is not included. I have set the loco to carry a Buxton depot plaque as an interim as I think this is the most similar-looking from a distance. I hope to be able to model the correct depot plaque at some point soon.
AP Class 37 Loco Pack Vol. 2
That’s it!
Initial release
Thanks to ChrisW for the idea to make this!
I hope you enjoy this reskin!
The GWRailfan 🙂
Hey, I do apologise for taking this long to reply. I’ve tried doing 419 myself – I’ve got the nameplates to work, but they’re in the wrong place and currently I don’t know how to move them. Also, the correct number style isn’t in game as well. If I get into child object modelling I’ll do 419 – right now though I can’t really. There’s far too many steps of how to make these to detail here – maybe I’ll do a tutorial of some kind one day!
If you guys are wondering where the photo was taken, it was taken at the Birdcage on stoke loop just near kidsgrove.
Hey! Great work with this!
Just curious, how did you do this? I’m hoping to make a similar thing for DRS 37419 in it’s current InterCity Mainline guise however the only thing I can’t get to work is the nameplates. Admittedly I just merged the DRS and InterCity files into a copy of the InterCity file but it didn’t work, altho I’ve not had a go at doing anything like this so I’m a bit of a div.
Anyways, cheers for the reskin, 37240 is another one I was hoping someone would make a modern variant of 🙂