![[CB] 1P59 06:39 York – Redcar Central [CB] 1P59 06:39 York – Redcar Central](https://alanthomsonsim.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/edd/2021/10/png/crankybot/18024083909876121600_20211004061545_1-1140x641.png)
[CB] 1P59 06:39 York – Redcar Central
24th August 2021Changelogs – 22/01/22 – Scenario now uses the AP 800 Enhancement Pack, description & readme file has been updated to reflect the change. Replaced some hidden older versions of the 185 with the ATS version.
Brief –
In the early morning you operate 185108+146 on the service 1-Papa-5-9 from York to Redcar Central. You call at: Thirsk, Northallerton, Yarm, Thornaby and as far as Middlesbrough.
Requirements –
~ DPSimulation’s North East England
~ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 43 (MTU) Enhancement Pack
+ Major Wales Design’s Class 43 Revamp Pack
~ DTG’s Class 68 & Class 180
+ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 68 Enhancement Pack
+ Ewhiteside’s TransPennine Nova 3 Mk5a Coach Pack
~ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 156
+ Chris Horsfield’s Class 156 TrainFX Update V2
~ DTG’s Class 159
+ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 158 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack
~ DTG’s Class 170
+ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 168/170/171 Enhancement Pack
+ Major Wales Design’s Class 170 Arriva Northern Reskin
~ AlanThomsonSim/Imbue’s Class 185
~ DTG’s Class 801
+ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 800-803 Enhancement Pack
Difficulty & Duration –
1 Hour | Medium
Good scenario ! Just a small mistake : the GSMR is restricted to 1P57 instead of 1P59 😉
I really enjoyed playing this scenario keep up the good work
My pleasure 🙂
It doesnt show up in the main menu, any ideas why?
Pathing showed up fine for me – image here: https://gyazo.com/8c1f36face0fa957f79dfba5f23ad697