Class 303 EMU Sound Patch Version 1.0.2

Class 303 EMU Sound Patch Version 1.0.2

12th July 2024 1 By Agdron

BR Class 303 EMU Sound Patch Version 1.0

Ahh, the DTG Class 303, a payware EMU DLC without any run sounds… No bother lets fix that with a Sound Pack from Arm… Never mind, that doesn’t exist anymore either. Seems like something an amateur learning on the job should fix. 

The Class 303  Sound Patch by Agdron (me!) serves as a way to make this train playable for once. Using sounds from the Armstrong Powerhouse Class 314 and 321 EMU Packs, I have taken creative liberties to the next level to try and create something for those who were never able to pick up the old AP sound pack. 

What’s Changed (V1.0)

  • An overhaul of the sounds, removing the old DTG sounds and replacing them.
  • Addition of a 2-Tone Horn 
  • A Scenario using the 303 on Suburban Glasgow Northwest

PLEASE NOTE: This pack is not made for accuracy to the real life 303, rather it was made as a learning project in order to make a older piece of stock more enjoyable. As a result the sounds may not all be representative of how a 303 actually sounds. There is not much reference material out there, but I tried in places to mimic the sense I was getting from those materials. 

Another thing to note is that this is mainly aimed at people who don’t own the AP 303 Sound Patch. To Install, simply copy the Assets and Contents folder into your Railworks directory. 


  • DTG Class 303 EMU Pack
  • Armstrong Powerhouse Class 314/5 EMU Pack
  • Armstrong Powerhouse Class 320 EMU Pack
  • (SCENARIO ONLY) Suburban Glasgow Northwest to Springburn

(I will not troubleshoot for people who don’t have the requirements)

Updates may come in the future should I happen across reason to. For now, however, this was just my little side project to improve my skills. 

Known Issues:

  • Horn Lever pulls the wrong way for Hi and Low tones
  • There is a strange clicking noise which plays at seemingly random intervals after pulling the throttle handle, I’ve banged my head against my keyboard for weeks trying to figure out the cause of this but have not yet got there
  • The brake squeal sound is temperamental due to how the train was set up 
  • Brake release hiss only plays outside on the lowest release

These issues will be fixed as soon as I find solutions to them.

Patch Created by Agdron. Special thanks to Sean Gallagher for inspiring me to improve my skills in this regard, Clowes for the material which allowed for me make the horn 2-Tone and the rest of the EP/Upgrade team in general for welcoming me into the community