BMG Class 47 WCRC Branding Patch!
10th August 2020BMG Class 47 WCRC Branding Patch!
BMG Class 47 WCRC Branding Patch!
works on any WML class 47
created by me & Tail Lamp Productions
Bossman Games Welsh Marches Line
AP Mark 1 Coach Pack (Quick Drive)
Step1. Extract the contents of this folder
Step 2. Use Utilities.exe to install the .RWP file
Step3. Navigate to Railworks/Assets/BMG/WelshMarchesLine and extract the WelshMarchesLineAssets.ap file
Step4.Navigate to Railworks/Assets/BMG/WelshMarchesLine/WelshMarchesLineAssets/RailVehicles/Diesel/Class47/WCR/Engine and copy the Class 47.GeoPcDx and Paste it to Railworks/Assets/BMG/WelshMarchesLine/WelshMarchesLineAssets/RailVehicles/Diesel/Class47/TLP-WCR/Engine
Step5. Load up Train Simulator 20xx and Clear the Cache
I had the same problem !
1. Extract the original WML Class 47 files from the .ap archive over the reskin directory (overwrite).
2. Extract the reskin files over (overwrite again).
Rename .ap and .rwp files temporarily into .zip to do so 😉
It”s a nice reskin, thank you ELR34092.
I have problems with missing textures on the inside of the cabs from the external view and the headboards have missing textures aswell.
Hi Barry, sorry for the late reply, im not too sure there, do you have the updated WML?