BH Class 390 Reskin Pack
9th December 2019This Version of the Pack is for the discontinued Virgin Trains Class 390 ‘Pendolino’ DLC
If you are looking for the DTG WCMLS version it can be found here
This pack depicts several Class 390 ‘Pendolino’ liveries, worn over the Virgin Trains West Coast period, from introduction to the Avanti era.
The list is as follows:
VT Red/Grey (Striped Doors)
VT Red/Grey (Plain Grey Doors)
VT Red/Grey (Plain Grey Doors, Yellow Coupling Hatch)
VT Red/Grey (Arrive Awesome)
VT Red/Grey (Fly Virgin Trains)
VT Red/Grey (Business is Great)
VT Red/Grey (Virgin Radio)
VT Red/Grey (Debranded)
VT Alstom (Striped Doors)
VT Alstom (Plain Grey Doors)
VT Flowing Silk
VT Flowing Silk (Black Window Bands)
VT Flowing Silk (Pride Rainbow)
VT Poppy
White (Black Window Bands)
What’s included?
The aforementioned liveries, PreLoads for all, and a batch file for easy installation.
Steam: Virgin Class 390 (Discontinued 06/12/2019)
AP Class 390 Sound Pack
These reskins were made by Brad Harding.
Thank you to James Ivell for the PreLoads.
Thanks to Clowes for the batch file, manual, and arrive awesome decal.
(10/12/2019) 11:25 Change to the batch file to fix errors for multiple users.
Added PreLoad for Fly Virgin Trains.
(16/12/2019) 23:40 Edits to PreLoads to give more easily understood names.
Added LocoInformation Pics with correct liveries.
All glass should now be the tweaked AP SP glass.
(05-01-2020) 15:00 Got to the bottom of the missing Glass issue (or so I hope).
Rerunning just the batch file from the Assets folder should suffice.
Well worked out the box .Thank you BH reskins .
have noticed my default 390 11 car and 9 car as disappeared .This is where the AP sound pack installed to so looks like I have lost that as well .
will this eventually be compatible without the virgin class 390 pack and just work with the modern 390 pack or is that likely not going to happen as I would love these reskins but only got train sim this year so i can’t get the original virgin 390
Same here, I didn’t get the original VT 390 and was hoping to install this pack using the Avanti 390. Has anyone actually tried it with the Avanti 390 and AP sound pack installed?
I’ve tried it using the 390 from wcml south and ap sound pack, didnt work. I installed another virgin reskin that actually does work with the new 390 (but has a few issues) and tried to replace the texture files, kinda worked but there were a few issues here and there so, out of luck really.
just downloaded this all my pendolino have missing textures all over them and i have all the requirements
Will this be available for the Class 390 from the WCML South?
27/09/2020 – This pack contains missing window textures.
Even with the following installed packs:
DTG Class 390 (Intercity, LMS & GNER version)
DTG Virgin Trains Class 390
DTG Avanti: West Coast Class 390 (Supplied with WCML-South route add-on)
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 390 Sound Pack.
27/09/2020 – Got it working. The problem I encountered was running it through the “ATS Installer” and all it needed was for me to Extract, copy and paste BH Class 390 reskin pack into the “Railworks” folder and then navigate to “DTG” folder to find Class390Pack01 to find and install “Batch” file. That’s it!
I don’t like to faff with folder’s because usually they’re too complex and may require to re-install the game if I get it wrong, so I use ATS Installer for peace of mind. For some reskins it works , but for BH Class 390 Reskin Pack; it doesn’t.
Where would the batch file be in the 390 pack?
Since this is the same model for the re-released Avanti West Coast liveried Class 390 with WCML South, will this work for that 390?
Afraid not unless they edit the files, as the folders for the standalone 390 (the one this pack requires) and the WCML south route folders are different.
Will there be an update to make it compatible with the new 390?
Will this be compatible with the forthcoming “new” Avanti Pendolino in TS2021?
Not out of the box, no. With heavy modification, probably. Not sure if the author has plans to do so.
It could simply be the re skinned discounted Virgin 390
The new one still has the bump for the virgin badge on the front so its definetly the same model, would probably just be a case of changing where you install the files to
update: tried both installing it into the WCML south directory and just copying the WCML south geo files into the original DTG Class 390 and neither have worked
That’s a shame. I hope the author realises that there’s about to be a whole load of people who missed the VT version wanting this.
Have you tried the .bin files?
My CLass 390 seems to accelerate so slowly compared to when i had no re-skin/liveries installed
hi ive installed reskins for advanti aand i have the class 390 all ready installed but when i try to play it says failed to load screanrio any help ive tried all sorts
Hello. I didnt want to right this but i have everything installed but when i load train simulator it doesnt load im just stuck in the loading menu with nothing happeneing and cant fix the game. Any solutions?
when i load in the class 390 has no textures please can i have some help
is there anyway i can get the old 390 pack
Hi Alan, is the full unbranded class 390 reskin included? I downloaded it yesterday and only the unbranded DMRF is in it (apart from other liveries)… Am I missing something?
im sure its not meant to. because the normal flowing silk non driving coaches were the same and were not changed when they were unbranded. hope this helps
i have all the requirements but when I come to install the bat file it comes up red and tells me to make sure I have the requirements ??? anbody else had that problem
i got same issue too. i have the old dtg model installed