BH Class 390 Reskin Pack
9th December 2019This Version of the Pack is for the discontinued Virgin Trains Class 390 ‘Pendolino’ DLC
If you are looking for the DTG WCMLS version it can be found here
This pack depicts several Class 390 ‘Pendolino’ liveries, worn over the Virgin Trains West Coast period, from introduction to the Avanti era.
The list is as follows:
VT Red/Grey (Striped Doors)
VT Red/Grey (Plain Grey Doors)
VT Red/Grey (Plain Grey Doors, Yellow Coupling Hatch)
VT Red/Grey (Arrive Awesome)
VT Red/Grey (Fly Virgin Trains)
VT Red/Grey (Business is Great)
VT Red/Grey (Virgin Radio)
VT Red/Grey (Debranded)
VT Alstom (Striped Doors)
VT Alstom (Plain Grey Doors)
VT Flowing Silk
VT Flowing Silk (Black Window Bands)
VT Flowing Silk (Pride Rainbow)
VT Poppy
White (Black Window Bands)
What’s included?
The aforementioned liveries, PreLoads for all, and a batch file for easy installation.
Steam: Virgin Class 390 (Discontinued 06/12/2019)
AP Class 390 Sound Pack
These reskins were made by Brad Harding.
Thank you to James Ivell for the PreLoads.
Thanks to Clowes for the batch file, manual, and arrive awesome decal.
(10/12/2019) 11:25 Change to the batch file to fix errors for multiple users.
Added PreLoad for Fly Virgin Trains.
(16/12/2019) 23:40 Edits to PreLoads to give more easily understood names.
Added LocoInformation Pics with correct liveries.
All glass should now be the tweaked AP SP glass.
(05-01-2020) 15:00 Got to the bottom of the missing Glass issue (or so I hope).
Rerunning just the batch file from the Assets folder should suffice.
Hi The batch file is not Copying the window textures you and Headlight textures i’ve read it and download it eight times run the batch file eight times still no success But if I knew what the file names are please I can copy them in myself My hands make a better job And that was it should’ve been you should’ve just supplied a manual to do it manually anyway batchfiles ain’t that reliable I sooner manually copy everything over it works this time every time
I had the same problem mate,until by trial and error i found out ya need the major wales designs 390 advanti liverie from his website.And now it works.
Errrr, you shouldn’t need the MJW skin… This copies the glass texture which should be present in the specified folder if you have the AP Sound Pack.
Coach K of the Pride Pendolino has missing textures over the windows and headlights. I have tried re-installing the reskin, but the problem remains. Does anyone have a solution?
Please redownload, apologies for the inconvenience.
Im also having this issue too, it’s happening on the Alstom ones & the Virgin Radio ones too
Does it work without the ap sound pack?
Probably not. The batch file definitely won’t.
The Black doors livery for the 390 seems to not have the AP Sounds
Seems to work for me, I would run the AP Class 390 SP .exe again, that should do the trick.
I have a bit of a weird problem: The reskins appear perfectly fine but when I start driving it, it accelerates very slowly, slower than the default 390. I’ve had this problem with other reskins but does anyone know a reason why this could be?
I had the same problem, I also noticed that visually I couldn’t get the panto up, even though the line volt light was on, don’t know if that’s related. Had to remove this pack.
Have you managed to get it to normal speed yet?
Not with the reskin, I just deleted the whole class390pack folder and clean installed it without the reskins
Reinstall the 390 SP pack it wil lfix it
That reskin looks fabulous and good looking detailed. In real life, the nameplates are on Coach F, not Coach G (Flowing Silk livery only). I watched some YouTube videos about the Virgin Flowing Silk Class 390 where nameplates has moved from Coach G to Coach F. But still, nice job anyway.
I’ve been looking forward to this so much! Glad I have the now-discontinued 390, great job 😀
I’m having problems with the product, textures work fine, however I am having problems getting the train to move, each time I load the train in TS, the starter key is stuck in the ON position and I am unable to move the train. Also if it was ON I would be getting sounds from the train of which I am not getting any. I have tried this with with the other liverys and keep running into this problem
I suggest reinstalling the AP Class 390 Sound Pack. Seems a scripting issue, and that might be the quickest and simplest fix.
Install AP sound pack again works fine
Getting the problem where the bat thinks I don’t have the requirements when I actually do. Installed the sound pack again to double check but still doesn’t work
PM me on FB, I can help get to the bottom of the issue.
can i say cracking job liveries look amazing thanks for taking your time out to make these
Had to copy over Passenger and Cab view manually but everything else worked 100%
I too have discovered a problem, the cab end carriages don’t appear on the Flowing Silk Unbranded 2 variant but they appear on the branded Flowing Silk livery? Any help greatly appreciated, other than that great reskins Mr Harding.
Batch File updated as of 11:25 (Changelog on page).
I need help it say I not have the AP or the Virgin Trains Class 390 but I do
You must be running the batch file from the incorrect location then. It checks for 3 files before starting to copy the GeoPcDx files. These are 7za.exe, DTG\Class390Pack01\Class390Pack01Assets.ap and a script file that comes from the AP Sound Pack. If it cannot find these in the correct folders, it will state you are missing content.
Hi, where should the batch file be run from then ? Ive got all 3 requirements. The only thing I can think of is my Railworks is stored on the D drive and not the C drive.
Some of the driving cars do not seem to appear in the editor and the GEO Files have been copied over
Its’ the following liveries that are affected:
White (Black Window Bands)
VT Alstom (Striped Doors)
VT Alstom (Plain Grey Doors)
Ignore the previous 2 replies of mine turns out Coach K is using the DMSO instead of the proper DMFK