AP Class 455 EP Vol. 1 – NSE (SWL) White Blinds Patch
19th June 2021This is a small patch for the Class 455 Enhancement Pack Vol. 1 by Armstrong Powerhouse that will allow the usage of white destination blinds for the /7 and /9 subclasses in revised Network SouthEast livery using the ‘South Western Lines’ logo, as seen in the early 1990s.
This patch contains:
– four additional .bin files for DTSO vehicles (suffixed with ‘WB’)
– four additional preloads (4 and 8 car formations for both /7 and /9 subclasses) (suffixed with ‘White Blinds’)
I am very sorry about the download issue. It has now been resolved.
Me too, just flashes up site can’t be reached page when you hit download button.
Hi, when trying to download from the file link, it comes up with another page saying the site cannot be reached