[G.G.S} 80s Banker Locos
8th March 20221980s Lickey Banker Locos
37191 & 37305 are your Lickey banker locos and the next train that requires a shove up the hill is a summer holiday extra service with 37003, a loco not quite suited to haul such a load up the famous Lickey incline.
• Birmingham Cross City Line: Route – (Steam)
• BR Class 45 ‘Peak’ Loco – (Steam)
• Class 37 Locomotive Pack Vol. 2 – (Armstrong Powerhouse)
• Mk1 Coach Pack Vol. 1 – (Armstrong Powerhouse)
• FSA/FTA Wagon Pack – (Armstrong Powerhouse)
• Blue/Grey Class 117/118 (+ Own requirements) – (Vulcan Productions)
– Please make sure your ‘Auto coupling’ option is unticked in the main menus.
– DO NOT swap cabs unless stated to do so.
Also I do recommend that TS is run from a fresh start up and not right after another session.
Hope you still enjoy this (More for fun) 20 minute ish scenario.
Just wanted to say thank you for this. I actually stood in the cab of a Class 37 a couple of times, doing this run on the incline. Many, many years ago, when I was a schoolboy. Still remember the noise of the engines.
excellent little scenario this, thoroughly enjoyed giving it some welly
Excellent scenario, Thank you.
That was fun, worked fine for me.
Phew… Thanks Marc!
For me this scenario does not work. Firstly the instruction to ctrl+tab on the first signal is incorrect, i can pass the signal if i press TAB. After coupling up i don`t hear the lead loco horn at the specified time so after waiting for an extra minute i set off and then uncouple as instructed, however the whole train comes to a complete stop.
Thanks, Tom.
Thank you for the feedback Tom. Did you happen to run the scenario just after starting TS? As that can have an affect on AI horns. Also did you happen to leave your own cab at all during the run?
And I assume you didn’t swap any stock or anything?
Jason (Golden Goldsmith Scenarios)
If you follow the instructions exactly then it seems to work just fine. Proven by this streamer BazzaRes47 in their latest stream as of today https://www.twitch.tv/bazzares47/video/1419486153
Interesting! I think i will try reinstalling this scenario at some point, when it does load my lead loco is the other way around which means i do have to change ends to set up the loco. Very strange! Anyway thanks for your help with this.