7V48 1638 Hamworthy B.C.I to Whatley Quarry

7V48 1638 Hamworthy B.C.I to Whatley Quarry

28th March 2021 0 By ChiefJack

This is a scenario following 7V48 1638 Hamworthy B.C.I to Whatley Quarry between Bournemouth and St Denys, in summer 1998.

Scenario details and requirements can be found below.

The scenario will show up in game under the Standard tab for the South Western Mainline: Southampton to Bournemouth route available from Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1055333/Train_Simulator_South_Western_Main_Line_Southampton__Bournemouth_Route_AddOn/

It shows up as [CJ] 7V48 1638 Hamworthy B.C.I to Whatley Quarry

MANUAL DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oVE5v64xbrxoL1w0-Bzr5rP6gVPLNiEM/view?usp=sharing

With thanks to OnTrackSimulation for providing the WTT used in this scenario. You can find all WTTs they offer here: https://www.ontracksimulation.com/timetables.html

SCENARIO REQUIREMENTS (these require their associated requirements too):
Steam: South Western Main Line: Southampton – Bournemouth Route
Steam: Virgin Trains First Generation Pack (discontinued)
Steam: BR Class 421 ‘4CIG’ Loco
Steam: BR Class 423 ‘4VEP’ EMU
Steam: Network SouthEast Class 159 DMU
Steam: European Loco & Asset Pack
Steam: Gatwick Express Class 442 ‘Wessex’ EMU
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 37 Locomotive Pack Vol. 1
Armstrong Powerhouse: JXA/POA Wagon Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 411/412 Electric Multiple Unit Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Mk2D-F Coach Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 43 (Valenta)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 421/422/423 Sound Pack (discontinued)
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 442 Sound Pack (Pro)
Armstrong Powerhouse: FSA/FTA Wagon Pack
AlanThomsonSim: Class 421 South West Trains
AlanThomsonSim: Class 423 South West Trains
AlanThomsonSim: Class 442: South West Trains
DPSimulation: Class 423 4VEP ‘Connex’
DPSimulation: Class 442 5WES ‘Network Southeast’

Steam: Freightliner Class 57/0 Loco
Steam: Trainload BR Class 60 Loco
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 37 Locomotive Pack Vol. 2
Armstrong Powerhouse: : Class 47 Sound Pack (Pro) EXTRA STOCK ONLY
Armstrong Powerhouse: TDA-D Wagon Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack