650M 2120 Oxwellmains Lafarge Colas to West Thurrock Sidings
10th March 2019Class 60 Colas set in 2016. Duration 45mins. Train Simulator 64bit reccomended and APWEP. North London, Goblin & Chatham Main Line 2016 from the steam workshop – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=874771379
North London & Goblin Lines
Chatham Main Line
DTG Settle to Carlisle
South London Lines
London to Brighton
Class 66 (EWS & FL)
FCC 377
Just Trains Class 60
Just Trains 222 Meridian
AP REQUIREMENTS: ‐ https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/
AP Weather & Track Enhancement Packs
Class 66 EP
Class 37 Sound Pack
Class 60 Sound Pack
JPA Wagon Pack
Class 377 SP
Wherry Lines
Class 377 Thameslink Pack – https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=class-377-thameslink-pack
Class 60 Advanced Colas Reskin – https://www.dpsimulation.org.uk/rf72locomotives.html
Class 43 EMT Reskin (BH Reskins) – https://www.facebook.com/pg/BHReskins/
Class 37 RoG Reskin – https://www.vulcanproductions.co.uk/diesel.html
Copy the Content folder from the downloaded file into your main Railworks directory and overwrite
when prompted.