2V56 2014 Balloch to Springburn
6th November 2020This is a scenario following 2V56 2014 Balloch to Springburn for the entire journey length. It features actual unit allocations and numbers for the 28th October 2020.
Scenario details and requirements can be found below.
The scenario will show up in game under the Standard tab for the Suburban Glasgow Northwest route available from Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1364036/Train_Simulator_Suburban_Glasgow_Northwest_Springburn__Helensburgh_Route_AddOn/
It shows up as: [CJ] 2V56 2014 Balloch to Springburn
MANUAL DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w-HjwR4mjCi2E9Jicp0KCUpivj_g1b2R/view?usp=sharing
SCENARIO REQUIREMENTS (these require their associated requirements too):
Steam: Suburban Glasgow Northwest: Springburn – Helensburgh Route
Steam: Great Eastern Main Line London-Ipswich Route
Steam: Southern Class 455/8 EMU
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 321 Electric Multiple Unit Pack
UKTrainSim: ScotRail Class 334 ‘Juniper’ (Abellio ScotRail version)
UKTrainSim: ScotRail Class 318
Armstrong Powerhouse: Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack
Hi, the train seems to apply emergency brakes on its own at Dumbarton Central and the train will not move. Just wondering if this is a scenario problem or a train problem? Many thanks