2R06 07:58 Kings Cross – Royston
9th April 2022Hello
This is my first upload to ATS and I would love to hear your opinions!
in this scenario, you take an 8 car 700 from London Kings Cross to Royston.
ATS Kings Lynn – Kings Cross
AP 700
AP 91
AP 800 – 803
AP 377/387/379
AP 67 (static)
MJW 08 revamp (+dependencies, static)
AP Weather
To Install place the zip file into D:\SteamLibrary2(may differ depending on where TS is on your PC) \steamapps\common\RailWorks\Content\Routes\1f8f9c40-10bb-4310-ab5c-3a6a74893eb1\Scenarios
Thanks for the scenario C:
no problem. hope you enjoyed