2J64 0655 Norwich to Lowestoft
29th March 2022Drive 156419 on an early Saturday morning Norwich to Lowestoft service 23/05/09
Armstrong Powerhouse: Wherry Lines: Norwich to Great Yarmouth & Lowestoft Route
Armstrong Powerhouse: Mk1 Coach Pack Vol. 1
Armstrong Powerhouse: Mk2A-C Coach Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 156 Diesel Multiple Unit Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 168/170/171 Enhancement Pack
Train Simulator: Network SouthEast Class 159 DMU Add-On
Train Simulator: BR Class 170 ‘Turbostar’ DMU Add-On
Train Simulator: GEML Class 90 Loco Add-On
Just Trains: BR 7MT Advanced
Just Trains: Class 153 Advanced
I really enjoyed playing this scenario keep up the good work
Drive 156419 on an early Saturday morning Norwich to Lowerstoft service 23/05/09
Hello Driver
Today you are driving this service to Llowerstoft. You will be calling at Brundall(0703), Cantley(0709), Reedham(0713), Haddiscoe(0722), Somerleyton(0725), Oulton Broad North(0731) and finally Lowerstoft(0737)
Your Maximum Permitted speed is 75MPH
Nicely set up scene and the Ai was good and looked good.
The AP156 couldn’t get near most of the timings and when I look at the editor 98%, 95%, 75%, 97%, 98%, 89%, performance set to achieve parity with published times I’m not surprised 🙂 A mysterious generous time allowance in the WTT does however give plenty of time to recover, from Oulton Broad to Lowestoft so by removing the time set at Reedham it was possible for me to enjoy the run 2nd time and arrive in Lowestoft on time – an enjoyable drive – thanks for making and sharing.
And maybe correct the Briefing to spell Lowestoft correctly 😉
My scenarios have all times correct to the WTT (in this case the May-December 2009 WTT) when feasibly possible, I had no problems achieving the times during testing of the scenarios (if i was unable to achieve them I wouldn’t put them as timed stops).
This is how I have always made scenarios and I have no intention to change it, of all the scenarios I’ve released I’ve never had anyone complain of such an issue.
Cracking scenario, thanks! Just FYI… there’s no ‘r’ in “Lowestoft” :o)