2E61 05:58 Manchester Piccadilly-Huddersfield
7th October 2021In this scenario you will be driving a Transpennine Express service from Manchester Piccadilly to Huddersfield,stopping at most stations along the way.You will be driving a pair of class 185s.
You will need the following:
WCML South: London-Birmingham
Birmingham Cross City Line
South Wales Mainline:Bristol-Swansea
EWS Class 66 V2
Freightliner Class 66 V2
NSE Class 159
Class 170
FGW Class 150/1
Armstrong Powerhouse
Class 66 Enhancement Pack
Class 150/1 Enhancement Pack
Class 158(Cummins) Enhancement Pack
Class 170 Enhancement Pack
Class 175 Enhancement Pack V2
Class 156 Diesel Multiple Unit Pack
Class 319 Electric Multiple Unit Pack
JNA Wagon Pack
POA/JXA Wagon Pack
Alan Thomson Sim
Class 185 Pack
Manchester to Huddersfield V2
Class 323 Northern repaint by OLLI35
Major Wales Design
Class 390 Revamp Pack
Arriva Rail Northern Class 170 repaint