1Z63 – The Bournemouth Belle – 05/07/2017
12th June 2020Contents:
1Z67 – VIC to BMH 55 mins
Scenario’s Description:
1Z67 – take 35028 ‘Clan Line’ from outside Southampton to Bournemouth. We’re sadly 10 mins late & have lost our path and now have been put behind a few services! This ain’t gonna be a smooth run!
**Required For Intended Immersion (but will still function if not present)
BMG Rebuilt Merchant Navy Class Locomotive*
VP BR Mk1 Mega Pack*
SSS/MT Pre-War Pullmans Pack (Set 3)
AP 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack**
AP 444/450 Enhancement Pack**
AP Class 66 Enhancement Pack**
AP FSA/FTA Wagon Pack**
ATS 220/221 Updated Consists**
ATS Class 66 (No Driver Pack)**
JT 220/221 Voyager**
DTG/RSC Freightliner Class 70**
DTG/RSC Freightliner/EWS Class 08**
DTG South Western Mainline: Southampton – Bournemouth*
AP Weather Enhancement Pack**
*** PLUS all the necessary associated requirements ***
Notes when playing:
– Keep a eye on loco’s boiler water levels (via gauge glasses) if using Auto Fireman. The fireman does NOT fill the boiler on this loco & has to be done manually – regardless of whether Auto Fireman is ON: via loco or settings.
– AI is not 100% representative of services at the time, purely just to add more liveliness/enjoyment during the run.
– There is a BUG with signals E731 & E735 at Southampton, please TAB when asked in the scenario.