1Z50 04.50 Shrewsbury – Penzance “The Marches Cornishman” (2018) – Updated v1.1
4th March 2023Hi, and thank you for downloading this 80 minute scenario for the unbranded Welsh Marches route.
To install, simply copy the enclosed ‘Content’ folder to your Railworks folder. This is a ‘Standard’ scenario and is named “[MJC] 1Z50 0450 Shrewsbury – Penzance ‘The Marches Cornishman’“.
This is a revamp of a scenario that I originally released in April 2020 that has now been moved across to the unbranded version of the route, some stock updated, and now uses the updated Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack from AP.
Updated v1.1 04/03/23: Correction to AI service that was utilising discontinued stock.
On 22nd September, a pair of DRS class 37s hauled a day trip to Cornwall that started in Shrewsbury and had pick-ups along the Welsh Marches route. Drive the first leg of the trip as far as Hereford. In reality, 37602 and 37606 hauled this train, but in this scenario 37419 and 37405 are substituted. Year: 2018
Departing Shrewsbury at 0450, you will be calling at all stations to Hereford, where you will be relieved. On this section of the route, where differential speed restrictions are in place, the lower value speed applies to this train. There is a bridge with a 40mph speed restriction as you approach Craven Arms which does not appear on the HUD, there is a marker to point it out. Maximum speed is 80mph, and remember that horns should not be sounded at Whistle boards before 0600 hours.
The following are required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly:
* From STEAM:
– Welsh Marches: Newport to Shrewsbury route add-on https://store.steampowered.com/app/1230279/Train_Simulator_Welsh_Marches_Newport__Shrewsbury_Route_AddOn/
* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Sky and Weather enhancement pack v2.0
– Class 37 loco pack volume 1
– Class 43 / Mark 3 (MTU) enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 66 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 150/2 DMU pack
– Class 158 (Perkins) enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 170 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 175 enhancement pack v2.0 (and associated requirements)
– Mark 1 coach pack volume 1
– Mark 2D – 2F coach pack
* From Just Trains:
– Class 153 DMU Advanced https://www.justtrains.net/product/class-153-dmu-advanced
* From Backdated Train Sim
– Armstrong Powerhouse Riviera Trains Great Briton Mk. 2 and Mk. 1 Pack https://backdatedtrainsim.weebly.com/coaching-stock.html
* From Major Wales Design
– Class 153/155 revamp pack https://www.major.wales/revamp-packs/153-155
I do hope you enjoy this scenario.
Great scenario, Thank you.
Thank you!
No problem. Thank you for the quick response and update. And it’s all fine now 🙂
Great stuff!
Hi Matt, I have all the required packs and I can start the scenario without any errors however the 4th coach from the rear is completely invisible to me, am I missing something?
Hi Marcus. That coach is from the Riviera Trains Great Briton pack as listed in the requirements. If you have already downloaded that I’d suggest checking that you’ve installed it correctly as you do need to copy GEO files for that pack. Hope this helps.
I really enjoyed playing this scenario keep up the good work
Thank you John!
Hi Matt,
Can’t load “[WML] BYA Wagon – Maroon”. Seems to be a requirement missing from your list. If it’s the BYA EWS by Richard Fletcher on the DPS website, then the link appears to be broken and it is not possible to download it. Any thoughts?
Hi ‘kentboy17’, my apologies these were still the version of the wagon included with the branded version of the route. I’ve updated them and re-uploaded v1.1. Sorry about that, if you re-download all should be good. Cheers, Matt.