1Z45 08:45 Newcastle – Wembley Central Footex

1Z45 08:45 Newcastle – Wembley Central Footex

28th February 2023 0 By Jonathan Simmons

This is a charter train top and tailed by Class 67s from Newcastle to Wembley Central, you will drive the leg from just outside Nuneaton to just passed Rugby with a reversal on Platform 5 at Nuneaton. The train comprises of mostly Mk2s with one Mk1 and routed down to York, Sheffield, Leicester, Nuneaton, Rugby and onwards to Wembley. Be prepared for a twist just after Rugby where this scenario ends!

Duration: 40 minutes
Difficulty: Medium
Weather: Dry and Sunny

To install, simply extract the .zip file using whichever software you have and copy the ‘Content’ folder to your RailWorks install “usually” found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks

Mk1 Pack
Mk2D-F Pack
Class 67 EP
Class 170 EP
Class 350 EP
Class 390 Sound Pack
Signal EP (Not tested without)

Class 57 Freightliner
Class 170 or Edinburgh – Glasgow
Class 67 EWS Loco
Portsmouth Direct Route
WCML South
WCML Trent Valley

Just Trains
Common Library, inluded in any of their recent releases (For static camera tripod only)

Class 170 – West Midlands Trains (Clowes)

Class 390 Revamp Pack