1W33 1635 London Waterloo – Weymouth
12th December 2021Description: Drive a rush hour run in a Class 444 to Woking.
Track Covered: London Waterloo – Woking
Traction: Ex-SWT (SWR) Class 444 + SWR (Plain) Class 444
Duration: 25 Minutes
Difficulty: Medium
Weather: Rain Variable
Portsmouth Direct Line – London Waterloo to Portsmouth Harbour
Chatham Mainline/Medway Valley Lines
Southern Class 455/8
Thomson Class 455
DTG Class 378
Armstrong Powerhouse:
Class 444/450 EP
Class 455 EP Vol 2
Class 456 EP
Class 375/377 EP
Sky & Weather EP – OPTIONAL
Just Trains:
Metropolitan Line S7/S8 Stock
Semaphore Sim
Class 444/450 Reskin Pack
Alan Thomson Sim:
District Line S7 Destination Pack
Copy the ‘Content’ Folder and paste it into your Railworks root directory. This is usually found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Railworks.
This scenario utilises the AP Sky & Weather EP. This is not a compulsory pack but if you do not own this the correct weather will not be displayed. The game will instead use a default weather pattern.
NOTES 2: Trains may wait outside Wimbledon due to the lack of portals over the flyover for the trains to use so they will use the junction on the fast lines.
SWTransport – Scenario Maker