1S10 – 0930 – London Kings Cross to Edinburgh Waverly

1S10 – 0930 – London Kings Cross to Edinburgh Waverly

7th January 2021 3 By Lewis.Middlemass

Take to the controls of 43290 “MTU Fascination of Power” as you thrash north in a reversed HST set on 1S10. Today you will be driving between York and Darlington. As this service runs direct to Darlington, there will be no need to sop at Northallerton. Whilst out on your journey, be sure to look out for a double Class 185 set that will have departed York whilst you were setting up. Also keep an eye out for a Mk4 set running 1E09 and a brand new ‘AZUMA’ which will be running 1E10 and should be stood in Darlington when you arrive. Enjoy your ride in a HST as they don’t have very long left.
Set in late 2019 when all 3 types of rolling stock were still in use on the ECML.


North East England

Class 43 MTU EP
Class 91/Mk4 EP

IC125 VTEC/LNER Reskin Pack
IC225 VTEC/LNER Reskin Pack
Class 800 IET LNER ‘AZUMA’ Reskin

Jake Fuller SImulations:
Class 185 Desiro DMU Pack

All of the above requirements have their own dependancies for which lists can be found on their source sites.

Thank you for downloading my scenario. Feel free to leave a comment and also don’t forget to use the comments if any problems arise. Feel free to leave suggestions as well. Also you can contact me on the details below.

[email protected]
L Middlemass#0530 on Discord
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