1Q24 1055 Newcastle to Newcastle [AGD]

1Q24 1055 Newcastle to Newcastle [AGD]

3rd February 2025 1 By Agdron

1Q24 1055 Newcastle to Newcastle

Picking up from Edinburgh Waverly, you are responsible for taking this Colas Rail HST with NMT Mk3 Carriages out to Glasgow Queen Street. During the journey you will need to keep a careful watch of signals due to the non-stop nature of the journey and be ready for being pulled aside to allow other services to pass. 

Loosely based on 1Q24 1055 Newcastle to Newcastle which ran on Monday 27th January 2025.


ROUTE: Network Scot East Phase 2 

Note: the Scotrail stock pack was not used in the creation of this scenario. Some destinations may not display correctly as a result, but this was considered as a non-issue since only pedantic people pause the simulator and inspect every single passing train. If you choose to do this despite my warnings, you may ruin your immersion.

To install simply copy the Content folder to your Railworks directory. 

Good Luck and Enjoy!

Also Note: Although this scenario in real life technically takes place in Winter, I have chosen to use the Summer season in the creation process as Network Scot East in Winter and Spring looks… minus good