1F30 15:48 London Liverpool Street to Braintree

1F30 15:48 London Liverpool Street to Braintree

6th November 2020 3 By Cactus732

On various weekends during 2018 and 2019, Overhead Line upgrades on the line to Southend Victoria meant that several Greater Anglia Class 321s were stuck in the Southend Carriage Sidings. In order to run their full service, Ilford based class 317s were substituted to various 321 diagrams. On Saturday 14th, April 2018 you’re in charge of 317346 leading classmate 317886 on the 15:48 Greater Anglia Service to Braintree.

Scenario Route: GEML London to Ipswich
Scenario Length: 1hr


AP/Gu Studios Class 317 Volume 1
AP Class 321 + Superalbs Greater Anglia new Branding + Clowes (ATS) Greater Anglia Renatus + James Ivell (ATS) Greater Anglia Purple
AP Class 66 EP + BodgeitTMD (ATS) Freightliner Reskin Pack
AP FSA/FTA Wagon Pack
APW Class 315
APW GEML Class 90 + Ash992478(VP) Greater Anglia Patch
DTG GEML London-Ipswich + Superalbs Greater Anglia Class 360
DTG South London Lines + Superalbs C2C Class 387
DTG North London Line OR Class 378 Capitalstar


AP Sky/weather EP
Chiefjack (ATS) London Overground Class 317 Branding
Ash992478(VP) TFL/London Overgound Class 315 Branding